The hit show Gladiators, which originally aired from 1992 to 2000, is making a grand return to screens with a brand new cast on the BBC. The new season will consist of 11 episodes featuring a fearsome group of Gladiators including trained rugby players, accomplished swimmers, sprinters, powerlifters, and even a former Premier League referee. The new cast members bring a mix of skills and backgrounds to the arena.

One of the new Gladiators is Bionic, also known as Matty Campbell, a professional bodybuilder with a towering height of 6ft 6in. Despite a childhood setback due to a car accident, he discovered his passion for bodybuilding during rehabilitation. Another Gladiator, Electro, also known as Jade Packer, is a former sprinter and now a sports model and fitness coach with a mix of strength, speed, and skill. These Gladiators bring unique experiences and talents to the show.

Phantom, known as Toby Olubi, is a former Team GB Bobsledder who competed at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, breaking records and bringing home gold medals. Viper, known as Quang Luong, is a fitness model and boxer dedicated to fitness for more than 15 years. On the female side, Athena, known as Karenjeet Kaur Bains, is a powerlifting champion, representing Team GB and holding numerous records and titles. These Gladiators showcase their strength and resilience in their respective sports.

Comet, or Ella-Mae Rayner, is a former elite gymnast who transitioned into diving and now trains as a fitness model and coach. Sabre, known as Sheli McCoy, is a British Weightlifting and CrossFit champion, inspiring other females to reach their fitness potential. Apollo, known as Alex Gray, is a former rugby player who transitioned to the NFL, bringing his speed and agility to the Gladiators arena. The new Gladiators are a diverse group of athletes with backgrounds in various sports.

Other Gladiators include Dynamite, Nitro, Diamond, Giant, Fire, Legend, Fury, and Steel, each bringing their own unique skills and experiences to the arena. From accomplished sprinters to bodybuilders, these Gladiators promise to bring fierce competition to the show. With a mix of speed, power, agility, and strength, the new cast is set to light up the screens and inspire viewers with their dedication and passion for their sports. The Gladiators are ready to step up against the odds and showcase the best versions of themselves.

Overall, the new cast of Gladiators promises an exciting and thrilling season, with a diverse group of athletes bringing their A-game to the arena. The blend of skills, backgrounds, and experiences among the Gladiators ensures a high level of competition and entertainment for viewers. The return of the iconic show is set to reignite the passion and fervor of fans while inspiring a new generation of athletes to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential. The Gladiators are ready to take on the challenges and showcase their strength, speed, and determination in the ultimate battle of athleticism.

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