The 100th anniversary of Giacomo Matteotti’s famous speech denouncing fascist violence in the elections of April 6, 1924, was celebrated at Montecitorio with an exhibition dedicated to “Matteotti as a parliamentarian” and a ceremony attended by President Sergio Mattarella. Matteotti’s speech in Parliament calling for the cancellation of the majority party’s election and detailing the fraud committed by the fascists was remembered. Matteotti was known for his dedication to the protection of the weakest classes and his commitment to democratic principles, opposing any form of political violence. The ceremony included the reissuing of Matteotti’s parliamentary speeches and the honoring of student winners of the “Matteotti for schools” competition, emphasizing Matteotti’s legacy of moral integrity and civil commitment.

The exhibition showcased Matteotti’s parliamentary activity through documents from the historical archive and the Library of the Chamber of Deputies, as well as his correspondence with his wife Velia Titta, provided by the Filippo Turati Historical Studies Foundation and the Giacomo Matteotti Foundation ETS. The event featured the national anthem and speeches by various speakers, including Bruno Vespa on Matteotti’s personal and family profile, and Professor Emilio Gentile on Matteotti’s role in the origins of the fascist regime. The former President of the Chamber, Luciano Violante, also discussed Matteotti’s parliamentary commitment and the value of freedom in parliamentary representation. The ceremony concluded with the awarding of students who participated in the “Matteotti for schools” competition and a reading by actor Alessandro Preziosi from the spot where Matteotti delivered his speech in 1924.

Senators for life Elena Cattaneo and Liliana Segre reflected on Matteotti’s legacy as a model for Italy and his role as a strong opponent of fascism. They emphasized Matteotti’s courage and commitment, drawing strength from his anti-fascism and personal courage, which inspired the rebirth of democracy and freedom in Italy. They highlighted Matteotti’s steadfast opposition to fascism and his willingness to stand up against political violence, calling on all opponents to resist and exist both inside and outside institutions. They emphasized the importance of studying Matteotti’s speech and the brutal attack on democratic processes it exposed, noting that the issues he raised are still relevant today in many countries where democracy is undermined.

Cattaneo and Segre paid tribute to Matteotti as a symbol of resistance against authoritarian regimes and praised his unwavering commitment to democratic principles. They drew parallels with contemporary figures such as Aleksej Navalny who continue to face threats and violence for their opposition to oppressive governments. The senators stressed the importance of remembering Matteotti’s sacrifice and the ongoing struggle for freedom and democracy, emphasizing the need to uphold the values of socialism, democracy, justice, and equality that Matteotti embodied. In commemorating Matteotti’s legacy, they highlighted the enduring relevance of his fight against fascism and tyranny, urging continued vigilance and resistance against threats to democracy.

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