The 2024 Met Gala was attended by celebrities in stunning outfits, but all eyes were on a mysterious woman named Mona Patel. Social media users were captivated by her appearance in custom Iris Van Herpen couture, not realizing that she was a successful CEO with degrees from Harvard, Stanford, and MIT. Her butterfly-embellished ensemble, curated by celebrity stylist Law Roach, stole the spotlight as she made a glamorous entrance, perfectly fitting the night’s theme of “The Garden of Time.”

Patel’s outfit featured a nude-hued gown with a scalloped train and kinetic butterfly accessories crafted by metalsmith Casey Curran. Her hair was styled in a chic bun by celebrity stylist Chris Martin, and her makeup was flawlessly done by cosmetologist Sidney Jamila. Patel’s debut at the Met Gala was a celebration of her heritage and love for couture, reflecting her Indian roots and fashion-forward mindset. Her collaboration with Roach and Van Herpen’s team resulted in a stunning look that showcased her unique style and sophistication.

Having launched eight companies since moving to the U.S. in 2003, Patel is a tech-centric entrepreneur with a passion for fashion. She worked with Roach for months leading up to the event, traveling to India to meet with Van Herpen’s team and set the production of her dress in motion. While custom creations by the Dutch couturier can be costly and time-consuming, Patel’s gown was expertly put together in record time, impressing fashion enthusiasts and industry insiders alike.

Before her Met Gala debut, Patel gave her Instagram followers a glimpse of the hand-drawn artwork of her dress and the behind-the-scenes preparations it took to get her red carpet ready. Her successful night at the Met Gala was met with praise from fans and critics alike, with many declaring her the best-dressed guest at the event. With her unique blend of business acumen and fashion flair, Patel’s appearance at the Met Gala solidified her status as a style icon and symbol of success in the world of fashion and entrepreneurship.

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