In April, amidst Mercury retrograde in Aries and after a turbulent eclipse season, a rare planetary conjunction is set to occur on the 20th. Jupiter and Uranus will come together in Taurus, bringing together their energies of risky business, luck, rebellion, liberation, and chaos. This conjunction is expected to bring growth, turbulence, transformation, breakthroughs, breakdowns, and revolutions on personal and political levels.

The last time a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happened in Taurus was in May 1941, coinciding with the end of The Blitz, the birth of Bob Dylan, and the cracking of the Enigma Code. Now, once again, Jupiter is aligning with Uranus, encouraging major shifts and breakthroughs. Astrologer Meghan Rose provides horoscopes for each zodiac sign, offering insights into what to expect when the planets of luck and lightning come together in conjunction.

For Aries, the conjunction signifies major shifts in finances and a potential new career path. Taurus will experience a redefinition of self and may begin to put themselves out there in more risky ways. Geminis are advised to face old wounds and alchemize pain into something beautiful. Cancer will use intuition to discern supportive and unsupportive social circles.

Leo is predicted to see career advancements and new opportunities. Virgo may have chances for travel, education, or training. Libras are advised to embrace endings and prepare for new blessings coming their way. Scorpios can relax and trust that their relationships are growing positively.

Sagittarius is encouraged to prioritize self-care and healthy habits. Capricorns can expect romance opportunities if they put themselves out there. Aquarius is redefining what home means and finding safety and security in their own presence. Pisces will see upgrades in their social circles and feel a sense of belonging.

Astrologer Reda Wigle offers a guide to understanding astrology, integrating history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience into horoscopes for each zodiac sign. Her insights delve into the effects of planetary configurations on individuals and provide a unique perspective on navigating the cosmic influences in daily life.

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