The full moon on August 19 is set to peak at 17 degrees of Aquarius, a sign known for revolutionary ideals and utopian dreams. This full moon is both a super moon and a blue moon, bringing bright light to areas of our lives that need attention. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, encouraging us to change challenges for personal evolution. The moon sits opposite the sun in Leo, forming a square with Uranus, indicating sudden changes and surprises. It is important to respond to these challenges with innovation and openness rather than resistance.

The energy of this full moon suggests that uncommon and radical solutions are needed for restlessness and unexpected events. With Uranus being the focal planet, we should embrace chaos and unpredictability instead of sticking to established patterns. Additionally, the moon opposing Mercury retrograde in Leo may lead to conflicts and rigid thinking. It is essential to integrate rational and emotional information for a more balanced approach. This astrological climate is preparing us for positive change and growth instead of simply testing our limits.

A supermoon, such as the one occurring on August 19, refers to a full moon that is at its closest point to Earth, appearing brighter and larger than usual. Supermoons have a heightened impact on emotions and situations that need attention. In this case, the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will feel the effects of the full moon most strongly, with each sign experiencing different challenges and revelations in their lives. It is important to be prepared for changes and take necessary action towards personal growth and evolution.

The next full moon will occur on September 17, 2024, in the sign of Pisces as a supermoon. It will coincide with the fall equinox, making it a Harvest Moon. The following blue moon is set for May 31, 2026, in the sign of Sagittarius. Astrologer Reda Wigle offers horoscopes that blend history, poetry, popular culture, and personal anecdotes to provide insights into the impact of planetary configurations on each zodiac sign. Her work helps guide readers through astrological events and offers perspectives on navigating challenges and opportunities.

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