In a recent presidential debate, former President Donald Trump made claims about Germany’s renewable energy industry, suggesting that it had failed and reverted back to traditional energy sources. Germany’s Federal Foreign Office quickly issued a rebuttal, stating that more than 50% of the country’s energy comes from renewables and that coal and nuclear plants are being shut down, not built. The office also humorously referenced Trump’s debunked claim about Haitian migrants eating pets to highlight the importance of correcting misinformation with facts.

Climate change and energy policies were hot topics during the election campaign, with Trump claiming that if Vice President Kamala Harris were elected, fracking in Pennsylvania would end on day one. Harris, a former senator from California, had previously supported banning fracking but as vice president changed her stance to advocating for diverse energy sources to reduce reliance on foreign oil. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany has experienced spikes in energy costs and has been seeking alternatives to Russian energy sources.

Germany has been transitioning towards renewable energy and aims to reduce its reliance on coal by 2038. The country closed its last three nuclear power plants in 2021 and plans to transition to majority renewable energy consumption by 2050. However, additional measures are needed to reach climate targets, according to the German Environment Agency. President Trump had criticized Germany for its energy policy’s reliance on Russia and had signed a law in 2019 to sanction the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline built by Russia’s Gazprom.

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline faced sabotage in September 2022, with a series of explosions detected off the Danish island of Bornholm. German prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian national believed to be involved in the sabotage, which led to the pipeline’s rupture. The U.S. denied any involvement in the attack and condemned the sabotage against the pipeline. During the debate, Trump criticized the Biden administration for approving the Nord Stream 2 project while killing the Keystone pipeline, accusing them of weakness and ineffectiveness in foreign policy decisions.

Germany remains committed to its energy transition and investment in renewable energy sources, with coal set to be phased out by 2038. The country has seen a decline in Russian natural gas volumes in its energy market and has been seeking alternatives in light of the conflict in Ukraine. The debate between Trump and Harris highlighted contrasting views on energy policies and climate change, showcasing the importance of factual information in addressing misinformation and promoting informed decision-making in government.

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