Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia criticized the Biden-Harris administration for not providing enough assistance to rural communities in the state following the devastation caused by Hurricane Helen. Kemp expressed frustration that the initial disaster declaration issued by President Biden did not cover all the counties that were affected by the storm, which resulted in 25 deaths in Georgia. Kemp stated that the declaration only included 11 counties, despite the widespread devastation in up to 90 counties. He made a call to the White House to request that more counties be added to the declaration.

Following Kemp’s call, White House officials added an additional 30 counties to the disaster declaration, with the possibility of more being added in the future. Kemp anticipated that the final number of counties covered by the declaration could range from 70 to 90. The disaster declaration allows residents affected by the storm to apply for federal assistance. The storm, which caused widespread flooding and other damages across six states, is estimated to result in $35 billion in damages.

Kemp highlighted the widespread impact of the storm, mentioning record flooding in the metro Atlanta area, mudslides, and evacuations in the northeast part of the state. The storm’s effects were felt statewide, leading to significant challenges in various areas. President Biden and Vice President Harris visited different states affected by the storm, with Biden touring South Carolina and North Carolina and Harris assessing the damage in Georgia. The focus of their visits was to understand the extent of the destruction and support recovery efforts in the affected regions.

The storm, labeled as a massive one, resulted in at least 200 confirmed deaths across the six states it impacted. Kemp emphasized the severity of the situation and the ongoing efforts to address the consequences of the storm. He mentioned the need for assistance and resources to help communities recover from the significant damage caused by Hurricane Helen. The disaster declaration issued by President Biden was a crucial step in providing federal assistance to individuals and communities affected by the storm.

Despite the initial limitations of the disaster declaration, Kemp’s actions in contacting the White House led to the inclusion of additional counties in the declaration. The collaboration between state and federal officials was essential in ensuring that assistance was provided to those in need. With the possibility of more counties being added to the declaration, efforts to support the recovery and rebuilding of affected communities are ongoing. The aftermath of Hurricane Helen demonstrated the importance of coordinated response and support from government agencies to address the challenges posed by natural disasters.

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