George Conway, the estranged husband of Kellyanne Conway, criticized attacks on their daughter Claudia after she commented on Donald Trump’s criminal conviction. Claudia returned to social media to call out her mother for praising Trump, calling him a “fighter” but forgetting to mention he was a felon. Far-right figures like Laura Loomer attacked Claudia for her comments, bringing up her deal with Playboy where she shares images of herself posing. George defended his daughter against online attacks, asking others to report the vile comments directed at her.

Kellyanne Conway defended her daughter, calling her beautiful, brilliant, and supported, while condemning those attacking her as jealous and soulless. Kellyanne said that Donald and Melania Trump have been kind to her children, and criticized those using her children to get Trump’s attention. Loomer responded to Kellyanne, accusing Claudia of lacking class and manners and criticizing her for her previous anti-Trump tweets. Claudia responded to Loomer, stating that she was being attacked by one side of the political spectrum in defamatory ways.

Claudia clarified that she is not a sex worker but didn’t put down those who choose that path. She emphasized that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and urged against defaming people to suit social media-driven agendas. Last year, she defended her decision to sign up with Playboy online, saying she was reclaiming her womanhood and femininity in a way that is truly hers. A Playboy spokesperson stated that Claudia’s involvement with the platform has given her autonomy and financial success.

George Conway asked for support against online attacks on his daughter, emphasizing the vile nature of the comments directed at her. Claudia thanked her father for his support and addressed the attacks she faced for speaking out against Trump. Kellyanne also stood up for Claudia, praising her daughter and condemning those using her children to get Trump’s attention. Loomer continued her attacks against Claudia and her parents. In response, Claudia reiterated her stance against the vile comments and emphasized that she is in control of her own narrative.

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