A new ‘Vannacci case’ during the electoral campaign for the European elections is causing a stir, this time due to an electoral spot circulating among the general’s supporters on social media and then published – in a new version – by Vannacci himself, urging voters to put an ‘X’ on the ballot. The reference, not so subtly, to the military unit born under fascism (the X MAS) has sparked opposition and even caused the Moderates of Maurizio Lupi to distance themselves, while the League defends their candidate and former President of the Lazio Region Francesco Storace relaunches him. In the video, the general, standing with the tricolor waving behind him, addresses the voters: on June 8th and 9th, “make a ‘decima’ on the symbol of the League on the appropriate ballot – he says crossing his fingers in an X – and write Vannacci so we can overwhelm everyone with a avalanche of votes. To change this Europe that we do not like.” It is an “absurd and unacceptable act that deeply offends the historical memory and respect for the victims of Nazi fascism,” says Europe Green spokesperson and Avs deputy Angelo Bonelli. “Vannacci throws off the mask and evokes the social republic,” says Pd’s Piero de Luca, while +Europe leader Riccardo Magi recalls that “Italian law prohibits the apology of fascism.” “It is true that the X MAS accomplished great military feats,” also underlines Noi Moderati leader Maurizio Lupi, “but it has written terrible pages in the social and political history of Italy and cannot be considered a national symbol. Vannacci should stop saying nonsense and go back to being photographed in the kitchen, we prefer it that way.”

Furthermore, Vannacci specifies, “the spot refers to the glorious X MAS unit of the Royal Navy that operated until 1943 and of which, among others, Teseo Tesei was a part. Nothing to do with the interpretation that others are giving.” This version is also supported in a note from the general’s staff, citing the definition of the X MAS from Treccani. “the Italian navy assault unit which in March 1941 assumed the designation of X Flottiglia MAS.” In the book ‘Courage Wins,’ General Vannacci recalls being inspired as a boy to join the special forces by the exploits of the X Flottiglia MAS before the armistice.” However, in referring to the encyclopedia, it essentially only mentions the first part of the history of the X MAS, before September 8th. An ambiguity that is emphasized by the opposition. “The X division,” emphasizes Bonelli, “after September 8th, became one of the most ferocious Nazi-fascist militias of the Salò Republic, responsible for at least 300 innocent deaths according to estimates from the atlas of Nazi-fascist massacres.”

Matteo Salvini, from Lega, declares, “fascism is dead and buried in the twentieth century, fortunately like Nazism and communism.” The Lega meanwhile comes out in defense of the general. “Vannacci,” says party number two, Andrea Crippa, “regardless of how he asks for the vote, is an example of identity, of defending borders, he is someone who has worked in the most delicate contexts and has defended Italy. I am proud of his candidacy.” Lega secretary Matteo Salvini also defends the general. “Fascism is dead and buried in the twentieth century,” he emphasizes, “fortunately like Nazism and communism. Yet someone wastes time on Salvini or on Vannacci.” In the evening, from Genoa, Elly Schlein does not directly mention the video case, but the reference is clear: “We are very proud of our anti-fascist identity.” The Five Star Movement unequivocally rejects the latest statement from the Lega general. “Dear Vannacci,” writes Senate group leader Stefano Patuanelli in a note, “you may be elected and become a Member of the European Parliament, but you will always remain a small man.”

Thus, the ‘Vannacci case’ during the European election campaign continues to provoke debate and controversy, with differing interpretations and strong reactions from various political figures in Italy. The reference to the X MAS and its historical background has been a point of contention, with accusations of glorifying fascist symbols and ideologies. While some defend the general and emphasize his military accomplishments, others condemn the use of such symbols and the implications they carry. The Lega stands by Vannacci, while opposition parties distance themselves and criticize the campaign tactics. As the election approaches, the discussion surrounding this case serves as a reflection of the complex political landscape in Italy, with issues of historical memory, ideology, and identity coming to the fore. Ultimately, the outcome of this controversy and its impact on the electoral results remain to be seen, but it highlights the ongoing tensions and divisions within Italian society and politics.

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