A failed coup attempt in Bolivia, led by top general Juan José Zuñiga and other members of the military, saw an unsuccessful effort to storm the presidential palace in La Paz. After a three-hour incursion, the general was arrested on live TV, with police officers supporting President Luis Arce taking control. Zuñiga claimed that the president had asked him to stage the coup in order to boost his popularity, but this accusation was denied by government officials. The incident resulted in nine people being injured, with the attorney general launching an investigation into Zuñiga and others involved in the coup attempt.

The coup came at a tense time in Bolivia, as President Luis Arce, an ally of former President Evo Morales, is facing challenges in the form of economic struggles and accusations of undemocratic behavior. There is also a power struggle within their political party over who will be the candidate in the 2025 election. General Zuñiga’s speech during the coup attempt focused on criticizing the government and calling for the release of imprisoned politicians, including former President Jeanine Áñez and opposition figure Luis Fernando Camacho. President Arce responded by replacing Zuñiga and other military heads, urging him not to put soldiers’ lives at risk.

The coup attempt was condemned by leaders in the region, with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador denouncing the actions of the military. Bolivia has a history of coups, with this incident being seen as an isolated move by a small group of soldiers, rather than a widespread uprising. Analysts believe that one of the reasons for discontent among the military is the perception that they are used to defend the established order, only to face consequences once a new government comes into power.

Despite the coup attempt failing quickly and lacking broad support, it highlighted the ongoing political divisions in Bolivia. President Arce, as a leftist leader, is facing challenges in governing the country amid economic difficulties and accusations of undemocratic behavior. The tensions within his party and the wider political landscape indicate a complex situation as Bolivia continues to grapple with its history of coups and power struggles. With investigations ongoing into the coup attempt, the country remains on edge as it navigates this latest political crisis.

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