Gemma Collins and her fiancé Rami Hawash recently got engaged and have discussed their plans for the future, including their desire to have a baby together. Gemma, who has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which can affect fertility, has shared that they are planning to visit a fertility clinic to explore their options and see if she is able to conceive. Rami, who has a son from a previous relationship, expressed that they will leave it up to fate and see what happens. Gemma has previously shared her struggles with fertility and her desire to have a child, despite facing challenges due to her health conditions.

In the past, Gemma Collins has been open about her struggles with fertility, citing her PCOS and underactive thyroid as factors that have made it difficult for her to conceive. Despite these challenges, Gemma remains hopeful and determined to have a child. She has expressed her frustration and sadness at the situation, but is actively seeking out solutions and treatment options to help her achieve her dream of starting a family with Rami. The couple’s engagement has brought renewed hope and excitement for their future together, including plans for a wedding and potentially multiple ceremonies to celebrate their love.

After getting engaged during a romantic getaway to the Maldives, Gemma and Rami have shared details of their upcoming nuptials, including their intention to have three wedding ceremonies in 2026. They have also teased the possibility of a winter wedding to coincide with Rami’s 50th birthday that year. Gemma has consulted with an astrologer who suggested that 2026 would be the luckiest year for them to tie the knot. The couple is planning to have a grand celebration with friends and family, and they are looking forward to starting this new chapter of their lives together.

Gemma Collins has been candid about her fertility struggles, revealing that she has been unable to conceive due to her health conditions. Despite these setbacks, Gemma remains positive and determined to explore all options to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. Rami has been supportive of Gemma throughout their relationship, and they have both expressed their desire to have a child together. The couple’s engagement has brought renewed hope and excitement for their future, and they are eager to start a family and build a life together.

Gemma and Rami’s engagement has sparked discussions about their future plans, including their desire to have a baby together. Gemma’s openness about her fertility struggles has resonated with many fans, who have shown their support for her journey to motherhood. The couple’s decision to visit a fertility clinic and explore their options demonstrates their commitment to starting a family. Despite the challenges they may face, Gemma and Rami are determined to overcome obstacles and fulfill their dream of becoming parents. Their love and dedication to each other are evident, and they are excited for the next chapter in their relationship.

In conclusion, Gemma Collins and Rami Hawash have shared their hopes and dreams for the future, including their plans to start a family together despite the challenges they may face with fertility. Their engagement has brought renewed hope and excitement for their future, and they are committed to exploring all options to fulfill their dream of becoming parents. Gemma’s openness about her struggles has inspired many fans, who have shown their support for her journey. The couple’s love and dedication to each other are clear, and they are eager to take the next steps in their relationship and build a life together.

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