Gemini season is a time of hyperverbal chaos, gossip, and poetry, where communication and curiosity are heightened. Rachel Stavis, an exorcist, explains that during Gemini season, the veil between the living and the dead is thin, allowing for clearer communication with deceased loved ones. However, negative energy can also come through, so it is important to protect one’s energy and keep vibrations high. Gemini, represented by the twins, embodies duality, reflecting the energy cycles of the earth.

Energy is amplified during Gemini season, leading to feelings of anxiety, tiredness, excitability, and difficulty sleeping. Stavis suggests leaning into mediumship skills and using this time as an opportunity to connect with the spirit realm. She provides recommendations on how to protect one’s energy and safely commune with the dead, including using black salt, fennel seeds, and flowers to attract positive spirits, as well as cleansing reflective surfaces with Four Thieves Vinegar.

Setting clear intentions before communicating with the dead is crucial. Stavis advises starting with questions about who you want to communicate with, why, and how you want to receive the communication. Keeping an open mind and being observant of signs from the deceased are also important. A ritual for communing with the dead involves writing their name on a piece of paper, lighting a candle, and inviting them with a specific intention. Paying attention to signs and messages after the ritual is key to receiving the communication.

Astrologer Reda Wigle offers astrology insights and horoscopes that combine history, poetry, and pop culture. Her work provides a guide to understanding the influence of planetary configurations on each zodiac sign. For those interested in birth chart readings, Reda Wigle can be contacted through her website. Gemini season brings a time of heightened energy and communication, presenting both challenges and opportunities for connecting with the spiritual realm and being open to messages from the deceased.

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