Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality announced that Mayor Fatma Şahin and her delegation visited the TÜRASAŞ General Directorate in Sakarya. TÜRASAŞ plans to deliver 8 train sets consisting of 32 wagons for use in the Gaziray Project by the end of the year. Mayor Şahin and her delegation inspected the train sets that will serve the citizens in the city. The color of the train sets was determined to be “Baklava Yellow,” which received the most votes on the Metropolitan Municipality’s social media accounts.

“We have chosen a color that will suit the city very well,” Mayor Şahin said in the statement. She emphasized that the GAZİRAY Project has transformed the railway train line and made a significant contribution to the city’s public transportation system. She added, “When GAZİRAY started, rental trams came from the capital and started working. We said in our declaration that we will complete the assembly of the train set, which is 100% domestically and nationally produced, by the end of this year and start testing it. Therefore, today we are here at the production facilities in Sakarya, we went through the progress of production on-site, and saw the work done in the field. We conducted a survey for the color for the public, and we have chosen a color that will suit the city very well. The seats were designed specifically for Gaziantep.”

“TÜRASAŞ General Manager Mustafa Metin Yazar stated that the production is ongoing and shipments will start at the end of the year. Yazar mentioned that there are no issues in terms of orders and supplies. He said, “As it stands now, we will have finished the assembly by November and will start our shipments by the end of the year and begin testing in Gaziantep. The special feature of this train is that the entire floor system was designed and produced domestically and nationally. All the systems controlling the train were also produced domestically and nationally. The first domestically produced and nationally sourced train set and train control management system produced by TÜRASAŞ will be used on the GAZİRAY line in Gaziantep.”

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