Over the long May weekend, thousands of Quebecers took advantage of the summer-like weather to work on their yards and gardens, preparing them for the season. The garden centre at the Marché de l’Ouest in Montreal’s West Island saw a significant increase in sales, with hanging baskets and tropical plants being some of the best selling items. Manager John Reeves stated that this weekend typically brings in 30 per cent of all weekend revenues for the garden centre. Shoppers were seen packing the aisles in search of the perfect plants and flowers for their gardens, with one shopper, Andy Kontogiannis, mentioning that he was looking for rose bushes and other colorful plants to brighten up his house.

Not only were garden centres bustling with activity, but many gardening enthusiasts were also hard at work sprucing up their yards. One gardener, Sossy Hanounik, shared her plans to plant flowers, tomatoes, and cucumbers in her yard. Hanounik, who has been gardening for years, expressed her love for nature and the pride she takes in her garden. This weekend served as an opportunity for both novices and experienced gardeners to delve deep into the soil and cultivate their green thumbs for the upcoming season.

The garden centre at the Marché de l’Ouest stands out as one of the largest suppliers of flowers in Quebec, with a continuous effort to improve and offer a wide variety of plants to customers. Reeves highlighted the store’s commitment to always aiming higher and providing the best quality products to customers. The customers browsing the store on Monday were impressed by the selection of herbs like basil and rosemary, showcasing the diverse range of products available at the garden centre.

For many, gardening is a cherished tradition that is passed down through generations. Hanounik, for example, witnessed her children and grandchildren taking over the gardening duties but still finds joy in being part of the process. She spoke about how she grew up around gardens and nature, reflecting a deep connection to the earth and the beauty it provides. This sentiment resonates with many gardeners who find solace and fulfillment in nurturing plants and creating natural landscapes in their yards.

As the summer season begins, the demand for garden supplies and plants is on the rise, with many Quebecers taking advantage of the warm weather to enhance their outdoor spaces. The May weekend serves as a catalyst for gardeners to kickstart their projects and fill their gardens with vibrant colors and fragrant blooms. With the support of horticultural businesses like the garden centre at the Marché de l’Ouest, gardening enthusiasts have access to a wide range of plants and resources to bring their garden visions to life.

In conclusion, the long May weekend in Quebec saw a surge in gardening activities as residents embraced the sunny weather to work on their gardens and yards. From bustling garden centres to passionate gardeners tending to their plants, the weekend symbolized a time of growth and renewal in the horticultural industry. As people filled their carts with plants and soil, they were also filling their hearts with joy and satisfaction, knowing that they were contributing to the beauty of nature and creating inviting outdoor spaces for themselves and their communities.

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