A recent Gallup poll highlighted Americans’ shifting priorities, which are now heavily focused on concerns related to illegal immigration and national security following an increase in these issues since last year. While inflation remains the top concern for many, worry about illegal immigration has increased from 41% to 48% since March 2023, with a notable rise in concern among Democrats. National security worries have also grown, with a seven-point increase in concerns about potential terror attacks, particularly in light of recent events such as the Hamas attacks in Israel. These concerns are further exacerbated by an unprecedented number of illegal migrants crossing the U.S. southern border, according to officials.

The Gallup poll also revealed that illegal immigration was cited as the most pressing problem in the country by 28% of respondents in the unprompted part of the survey, marking the highest level of concern about this issue in Gallup’s unprompted polls since 1981. Poor leadership and government came in second at approximately 19%, followed by concerns about the economy at 14% and inflation at 11%. The survey, conducted from Mar. 1 to Mar. 20, included 1,016 respondents surveyed via cellphone and landline phones, with a reported margin of error of ±5%.

U.S. intelligence leaders have warned of an increased risk for global terrorist attacks following recent events, contributing to rising concerns among Americans about national security. These concerns are further heightened by the influx of illegal migrants crossing the U.S. southern border, according to officials. Illegal immigration has become a top priority for many Americans, with a notable increase in concern among Democrats, indicating a shift in public focus to issues of border security and immigration policy.

The poll results reflect a noticeable shift in Americans’ priorities, with a greater emphasis on illegal immigration and national security issues since last year. While inflation remains the primary concern for many respondents, worries about illegal immigration have increased significantly, as have concerns about the potential for terrorist attacks. The combination of these factors has led to heightened concerns about national security, particularly in the context of a surge in illegal border crossings. These findings highlight the evolving landscape of public opinion on key issues facing the country.

Overall, the Gallup poll underscores the growing significance of illegal immigration and national security concerns among U.S. adults, with a notable increase in worry about these issues since last year. The poll indicates a shift in public priorities, with a higher level of concern about illegal immigration and potential terrorist threats. These findings reflect a heightened awareness of border security and immigration policy issues, as well as a growing sense of unease about national security threats. As these concerns continue to dominate public discourse, policymakers and officials may face increasing pressure to address these issues effectively and proactively.

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