A recent Gallup poll found that the primary source of happiness among Generation Z individuals is a sense of purpose at school and work. The survey included 2,271 young adults in the U.S. between ages 12 and 26. Gen Zers who are happy are more likely to feel that they do something interesting every day and are motivated to attend work or school. On the other hand, those who are unhappy are less likely to feel that their work and school tasks are important.

The research also revealed that factors such as earning more money and getting promotions, which are important to older generations, have become less significant to Gen Z and millennials. The most important factor in the workplace for younger generations is a feeling of purpose. Gen Z individuals want to know if they are making a difference in the world and if what they are doing is important. The study also suggests that finding purpose is not just important in the workplace, but in all aspects of life.

In addition to a sense of purpose at work and school, Gen Z happiness is linked to feeling secure and rested in their personal lives. Other key drivers of happiness include the ability to fulfill basic needs, such as having enough time to sleep and relax during the week. Social pressures also have a direct correlation on happiness, as those who spend a lot of time comparing themselves to others are less likely to report feeling happy and are more likely to experience anxiety.

The survey found that around 73% of Gen Zers consider themselves at least somewhat happy overall, but this percentage decreases as they enter adulthood. It suggests that there may be a lack of preparation for Gen Z individuals to step out into the world as adults and feel that what they are doing is purposeful. Factors such as having any level of post-secondary education, being married, or having children contribute to higher levels of happiness among Gen Z adults.

Gallup research indicates that LGBTQ Gen Z adults are 16% less likely to report being happy than their heterosexual counterparts. Surveying LGBTQ Gen Z individuals is something that Gallup hopes to delve into further in future surveys. In response to the findings, experts emphasize the importance of helping Gen Z individuals find their purpose, as it can lead to improved mental health and overall wellbeing.

Educational psychologist Dr. Michele Borba highlights the value of finding a purpose in life, as it can provide direction, shape goals, and be a motivating force. Borba advises parents to help their teens identify something that matters to them and take action to pursue it. Developing purpose in children’s lives can lead to increased resilience and optimism in the face of challenges. Experts believe that by understanding and addressing the factors that contribute to happiness among Generation Z individuals, significant changes can be made to improve their overall wellbeing and fulfillment.

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