Minister Marina Calderone participated in the Labour 7 summit in Cagliari, focusing on priorities for the next budget, including improving workplace safety and promoting female employment through incentives for parenting. The Italian presidency of the G7 is working towards balancing and promoting inclusion in the labor market. Topics discussed included the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the job market, with a focus on the importance of a human-centered approach to technology and skills development, especially in light of demographic changes.

Calderone also addressed the issue of flexibility in retirement and the possibility of extending working beyond 67 years, emphasizing the need for voluntary agreements between workers and employers. She highlighted the importance of active aging and the need for structural skills to support an aging society. The key focus of the G7 was on preparing for the future, ensuring that technology enhances rather than replaces jobs. Calderone also emphasized the importance of matching skills with job demands, especially in light of difficulties companies face in finding suitable employees.

The minister pointed out the platform Siisl, designed to connect job seekers with employers, highlighting the central role of skills development. The challenge of skills mismatch and the need to accompany those who are not working into employment were also highlighted. Calderone stressed the need to restructure education and training to match professional demands, considering the changing attitudes of young people towards work-life balance post-pandemic.

She emphasized the importance of understanding how to balance private life with work demands, noting the impact on young people’s career choices and future prospects. The need for better support for young people entering the workforce was underscored, especially considering the impact on their future retirement plans. Calderone stressed the importance of creating a supportive environment for both personal and professional growth to avoid penalizing young workers.

Overall, the comprehensive intervention by Minister Marina Calderone at the Labour 7 summit highlighted the government’s commitment to improving workplace safety, promoting female employment, and addressing challenges such as skills mismatch and aging demographics. The focus on a human-centered approach to technology and skills development, as well as the importance of balancing work-life demands, were key themes discussed. The minister’s efforts to support companies in finding suitable employees and the need for restructuring education and training highlight the government’s dedication to addressing current and future labor market challenges.

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