On March 31, 2024, Bishop Mariann Budde and Wilton Cardinal Gregory appeared on “Face the Nation” in an extended interview with Ed O’Keefe. Both religious leaders discussed a range of topics, including the role of faith in politics, the impact of the Catholic Church’s teachings on social issues, and the importance of religious freedom in American society. Bishop Budde, the Bishop of Washington, and Cardinal Gregory, the Archbishop of Washington, offered insight into how their respective faith traditions inform their perspectives on these complex issues.

During the interview, Bishop Budde and Cardinal Gregory emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance between religious beliefs and political principles. They acknowledged the challenges of navigating these two spheres, particularly in a society that is increasingly polarized. Both leaders stressed the need for dialogue and understanding among individuals with differing viewpoints, in order to promote unity and respect in the public discourse. They also highlighted the importance of upholding religious freedom and protecting the rights of all individuals to practice their faith without discrimination.

The conversation also delved into the Catholic Church’s teachings on social issues, such as poverty, inequality, and immigration. Bishop Budde and Cardinal Gregory shared their perspectives on how faith communities can address these pressing challenges and work towards justice and equality for all people. They underscored the importance of advocating for the vulnerable and marginalized members of society, in keeping with the principles of social justice espoused by their faith traditions.

In discussing the intersection of faith and politics, Bishop Budde and Cardinal Gregory reflected on the need for religious leaders to engage with political issues while remaining true to their moral values and ethical principles. They explored the role of the church in advocating for social change and promoting a more just and compassionate society. Both leaders emphasized the importance of holding elected officials accountable for their actions and policies, and encouraged individuals to use their voices and votes to advance causes that align with their faith beliefs.

The interview also touched on the ongoing debate within the Catholic Church over issues such as women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and reproductive rights. Bishop Budde and Cardinal Gregory spoke to the complexities of these issues within their faith communities, highlighting the need for respectful dialogue and a commitment to understanding diverse perspectives. They emphasized the importance of inclusivity and compassion in addressing these sensitive topics, while also upholding the teachings and traditions of their respective faith traditions.

Overall, Bishop Mariann Budde and Wilton Cardinal Gregory’s interview on “Face the Nation” provided a thoughtful and insightful discussion on the intersection of faith, politics, and social issues. Both leaders offered valuable perspectives on the role of religion in shaping public discourse and advocating for justice and equality. Their call for dialogue, respect, and compassion in addressing challenging issues serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and understanding in today’s diverse and complex society.

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