Elly Schlein, the secretary of the Democratic Party, delivered a political speech at the 36th National Congress of Magistrates in Palermo. She emphasized the need for a muscular opposition by the government and discussed various reforms, including the separation of careers within the justice system and changes to the role of the Prime Minister, which she believed would disrupt the balance established by the Constitution. Schlein also criticized the concept of “differentiated autonomy,” arguing that it would exacerbate territorial disparities rather than promoting unity among regions. She expressed strong opposition to the proposed separation of careers for magistrates, stating that it would only serve to undermine the independence of the judiciary and weaken the principle of prosecutorial impartiality.

Schlein urged the magistrates to engage in the debate on reforms and warned against escalating institutional conflicts, emphasizing the need for constructive dialogue to benefit the country. She criticized recent legislative proposals, such as the random selection process for the Superior Council of Magistracy and requirements for psychological and aptitude tests, which she believed were designed to sow distrust within the judiciary, thereby weakening the fight against crime and organized crime. Schlein argued that these measures aimed to restrict the autonomy and effectiveness of the magistracy, turning judges into mere bureaucratic functionaries rather than upholders of the Constitution’s principles.

The speech also addressed the broader issue of legal and institutional integrity, with Schlein stressing the importance of maintaining the magistracy’s independence and authority in upholding the rule of law. She warned against policies that would weaken the judiciary’s ability to combat corruption and criminal activity, highlighting the need to preserve the judiciary’s role as a bulwark against illegality and abuse of power. Schlein emphasized the vital role of the magistracy in upholding democratic values and ensuring accountability within the government and legal system.

In conclusion, Elly Schlein’s speech at the National Congress of Magistrates underscored the critical importance of an independent and effective judiciary in upholding the rule of law and promoting social justice. She called on magistrates to resist attempts to undermine their autonomy and authority, arguing that such measures would ultimately erode the foundations of democracy and weaken the fight against crime and corruption. Schlein’s address highlighted the ongoing challenges facing the Italian judicial system and the need for magistrates to stand united in defense of their profession and the principles of justice and legality.

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