In a recent interview with Euronews, the oldest and youngest members of the European Parliament, Leoluca Orlando and Lena Schilling, both pledge to fight for environmental sustainability and minority rights. Despite their significant age difference of 53 years and five months, both MEPs are part of the Green/EFA group and have very different personal and political backgrounds. Orlando, at the age of 76, hails from Sicily and has had a long political career, serving as the mayor of Palermo for a total of 22 years. He has worked to make the Sicilian capital more environmentally sustainable and is now focused on ensuring the rights of Europeans in today’s digital age. Schilling, on the other hand, is a 23-year-old Austrian climate activist who entered politics recently and is representing the younger generation that has been actively demonstrating for climate action.

Orlando and Schilling both have strong beliefs and goals in their work as MEPs. Schilling emphasizes her focus on protecting nature, fighting for climate justice, and advocating for young people who are taking to the streets to demand action on climate change. She is also committed to fighting against the rise of far-right ideologies in the current political landscape. Orlando, meanwhile, aims to bring the Mediterranean closer to Europe and combine social and environmental justice. He wants to advocate for the rights of young people in the Mediterranean region and promote peace by condemning the genocide against the Palestinian people.

Schilling and Orlando have different areas of focus within the European Parliament. Schilling is a member of the Parliament’s Environment Commission and is dedicated to accelerating climate policies and driving transformations in various sectors such as industry, energy, and transport. She believes that these changes are essential for the future sustainability of Europe. Orlando, on the other hand, is a full member of the Foreign Affairs Commission and is prioritizing peace, environmental justice, and social justice in his work. He advocates for fewer borders, weapons, and an emphasis on sustainable development and migrant rights.

In their joint efforts to pursue their goals, Orlando and Schilling recognize the importance of combining experience and enthusiasm. Orlando brings years of political experience and a deep understanding of the complex issues facing Europe, while Schilling offers fresh perspectives and the passion of a young activist. They both agree on the need for unity and cooperation in addressing the pressing challenges of our time. By working together and leveraging their different strengths, they hope to make a positive impact in the European Parliament and contribute to a more sustainable and just future for all Europeans.

Overall, the collaboration between Orlando and Schilling highlights the diversity of perspectives and expertise within the European Parliament. Their shared commitment to environmental sustainability, minority rights, and social justice demonstrates a common vision for a more equitable and inclusive Europe. Despite their age difference and varied backgrounds, they stand united in their determination to make a difference and advocate for positive change in the political landscape. Their partnership serves as a powerful example of how individuals from different generations and paths can come together to work towards a common goal of a better future for all.

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