More than 70% of Americans consider having a rewarding career or job as extremely important for a fulfilling life, even more so than family, friends, or wealth. CBS News conducted interviews with various workers who chose unique jobs, such as Marielle Henault, a professional mermaid. A decade ago, Henault was laid off from her job, but after watching a video of a mermaid school in Germany, she decided she wanted to be a mermaid herself. She opened a mermaid school in Canada, starting with a basic fabric tail and a mono fin, and has since built a successful career traveling the world and bringing joy to many.

The fascination with mermaids, dating back to early legends and fairy tales, has evolved into a thriving mermaid economy today. Mermaids can teach exercise classes, participate in competitions, and even perform at events. While there is no official count of professional mermaids worldwide, Henault estimates there are around 1,000 in the community. She initially started teaching mermaid classes to share her skills and passion for the water but had to diversify her income streams to sustain herself financially. Mermaids can earn through private parties, corporate events, teaching classes, selling fins, or working at various venues.

Henault emphasizes the need for passion and dedication in the mermaid profession, as it can be physically demanding and require maintaining a certain appearance. Despite challenges like sinus infections and unwanted attention from “merverts,” the community has developed safeguards to protect its members. During the global pandemic, Henault pivoted her business to become a booking agent for mermaids, helping them secure jobs and taking a small percentage in return. She plans to expand her offerings by developing training courses and retreats for aspiring mermaids, passing on her knowledge and experience to the next generation.

As the founder of Aqua Mermaid, Henault’s journey as a professional mermaid has led her to travel, make money, and revel in the magical experience of living as a mermaid. Despite uncertainties and setbacks, she remains committed to her unique career path and looks forward to continuing to support the mermaid community. With a background in journalism and a focus on justice and human rights issues, Henault embodies the spirit of following one’s passion and building a fulfilling life through unconventional and creative pursuits. Her story highlights the transformative power of pursuing a career that brings joy, fulfillment, and a sense of magic to everyday life.

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