Ben Miller is a British actor and comedian known for his role as Jasper Tempest in ITV’s crime drama series, Professor T. With a career spanning over three decades, Ben has starred in various TV shows and movies, including the Johnny English films and period drama Bridgerton. He is also recognized for his roles in BBC’s Death in Paradise and ITV’s Professor T. Off-camera, Ben is a father-of-three, husband, and author. He is married to film producer Jessica Parker, daughter of musician Alan Parker. The couple has two children together, son Harrison and daughter Lana. Ben has been in relationships with famous stars like Rachel Weisz and was previously married to Belinda Stewart-Wilson.

Aside from acting, Ben is also known as the voice of the popular PG Tips character Monkey and has narrated TV ads featuring Johnny Vegas. He has also pursued a career as a children’s author, releasing several successful books. During the pandemic, Ben and his family spent time in Morocco, where he found the opportunity to focus on writing. Despite his busy schedule as an actor, Ben considers writing as his main focus and enjoys the joy of being at home with his family. His children are the first to test out his books before they hit the shelves.

Ben has often been mistaken for Welsh actor and comedian Rob Brydon due to their similar looks. The two actors have played up on their resemblance by appearing together on an episode of QI. They share an on-screen kiss and have had fun with the mix-up over the years. Professor T, the crime drama in which Ben plays the lead role, airs on ITV1 and has garnered attention from viewers.

Despite his successful career in acting and comedy, Ben’s personal life is just as interesting. His marriage to Jessica Parker and their two children form a big part of his life off-camera. He speaks openly about the challenges of balancing his career and family life, sharing the reasons he left Death in Paradise due to the arrival of his son Harrison. Ben’s relationships with famous stars like Rachel Weisz and his previous marriage to Belinda Stewart-Wilson shed light on his romantic history. Overall, Ben Miller is a multifaceted entertainer with a colorful life away from the screens.

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