The first day of campaigning for the European elections in Spain revolved around Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni after a misstep by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Feijóo’s comments about being open to negotiating with Meloni sparked debate about alliances with the far right, which was seized upon by the government and other parties. The campaign strategy for the Popular Party was to focus on national issues, particularly the alleged wrongdoings of Pedro Sánchez and his wife. However, the Socialists have managed to control the narrative, shifting the focus to the PP’s agreements with far-right parties in Europe.

Feijóo’s openness to a potential pact with Meloni was seen as a misstep by some within the Popular Party, as it contradicted their strategy of avoiding discussions about far-right alliances. The Socialists were quick to respond, with Pedro Sánchez criticizing Feijóo’s willingness to negotiate with what he called “ultra-rightist groups” in Europe. The campaign has become a battleground over alliances with far-right parties, with both sides trying to gain the upper hand in the narrative.

Despite efforts by the Popular Party to control the damage, the misstep by Feijóo has caused internal discomfort within the party. While many members agree with the sentiments expressed regarding Meloni, they feel the timing was inappropriate and not in line with the party’s strategy. Feijóo later shifted focus back to criticizing Sánchez, emphasizing the need for normalcy in Spain’s politics and the dangers of the current government.

The controversy surrounding Feijóo’s comments has led to a back-and-forth between political parties, with accusations and counter-accusations flying in all directions. The focus of the campaign has shifted from national issues to European alliances, with parties trying to gain the upper hand in shaping the narrative. While the Popular Party aims to steer the conversation towards critiquing Sánchez, the Socialists are intent on highlighting the PP’s connections to far-right parties in Europe.

Overall, the first day of the European election campaign in Spain has been marked by controversy and strategic missteps. The focus on far-right alliances and potential negotiations has overshadowed national issues and become a key point of contention between parties. As the campaign progresses, it remains to be seen how the narrative will continue to evolve and which party will ultimately succeed in controlling the message and gaining support from voters.

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