Superquiz by Andrew Brooks challenge participants to find words of four letters or more, with each word including the center letter and each letter being used only once. The goal is to find at least one nine-letter word, with no colloquial or foreign words, capitalized nouns, plurals ending in “s”, apostrophes, or hyphens allowed. Participants can strive for an average of 10 words, a good score of 15 words, or an excellent score of 21+ words. The solution list is not exhaustive, so creativity and vocabulary skills are put to the test.
Yesterday’s Target Time included words like amid, amply, amyloid, calm, camp, campy, campo, claim, clam, clamp, clomp, coma, comply, cyma, daimyo, damp, damply, dimly, dimply, diploma, DIPLOMACY, imply, lamp, limp, limy, lipoma, loam, loamy, madly, mado, maid, mail, malic, mica, milady, mild, milo, modal, myopia, myopic, palm, palmy, and poma. This list showcases the level of challenge and variety that can be found in Superquiz word puzzles.
Participants are encouraged to use their vocabulary skills and creativity to come up with as many words as possible within the given criteria. The challenge of finding words that meet the specific requirements, such as including the center letter and having each letter used only once, adds an extra layer of difficulty to the puzzle. The satisfaction of discovering new words and improving one’s vocabulary through these word challenges is a rewarding aspect of participating in Superquiz.
The rules of Superquiz by Andrew Brooks are strict, with limitations on the types of words allowed in order to maintain the integrity of the challenge. By focusing on words that meet the specified criteria, participants are pushed to think outside the box and explore new combinations of letters to come up with words that fit the puzzle requirements. This level of precision and attention to detail adds to the overall challenge and gives participants a sense of accomplishment when they successfully complete the puzzle.
Superquiz provides a fun and engaging way for participants to test their vocabulary skills and challenge themselves to think creatively. By setting specific criteria for word selection and limiting the types of words that can be used, the puzzle offers a unique and engaging experience for those looking to improve their language skills. Whether striving for an average score, a good score, or an excellent score, participants can enjoy the satisfaction of expanding their vocabulary and finding new words within the parameters of the challenge.
Overall, Superquiz by Andrew Brooks is a challenging and rewarding word puzzle that encourages participants to think critically, expand their vocabulary, and test their creative skills. By following the strict rules and limitations set forth in the puzzle, participants can push themselves to find new and unique words that meet the specific criteria outlined. The sense of achievement that comes with successfully completing a Superquiz puzzle adds to the overall appeal of the challenge and motivates participants to continue honing their language skills through engaging word puzzles.

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