In his first interview after being appointed as Prime Minister, Michel Barnier discussed his desire to improve pension reform and implement ‘concrete measures’ to control migratory flows within the budgetary framework. He acknowledged the challenges ahead due to the divided National Assembly and expressed his willingness to have a diverse government that includes members from different backgrounds. Barnier indicated that while he intends to reopen the debate on pension reform, he does not plan to completely undo existing laws. He also emphasized the importance of engaging with civil society and listening to various perspectives to find solutions.

Barnier reassured the public that he aims to make improvements to pension reform while ensuring that the country’s debt and deficit remain stable. He mentioned the need for tax justice and potential tax increases to address issues of inequality. Additionally, he promised to take concrete actions to better control migratory flows, signaling a willingness to consider ideas from different political ideologies, including some from the far-right. Barnier emphasized the importance of addressing immigration in a rigorous and humanistic manner while keeping in mind the various viewpoints within society.

Regarding a possible electoral law reform introducing proportional representation, Barnier expressed openness to discussions with all political groups, indicating a willingness to consider different proposals. He also highlighted the importance of clear roles for the President and the government, emphasizing that the President should preside while the government is responsible for governing. This distinction is crucial in ensuring effective decision-making and governance within the country.

In response to questions about his relationship with President Emmanuel Macron, Barnier expressed respect for the presidential office and the individual who occupies it. He maintained a firm stance on the separation of powers, emphasizing the importance of the government’s role in governing while acknowledging the President’s position as the head of state. This distinction is essential for maintaining a balance of power and ensuring effective leadership within the country’s political system.

Overall, in his first interview since becoming Prime Minister, Michel Barnier addressed key policy priorities such as pension reform, migration control, and tax justice. He emphasized the need for collaboration and dialogue with various stakeholders to find balanced solutions to complex issues. Barnier’s commitment to respecting the budgetary framework and engaging with civil society reflects his desire to govern in a transparent and inclusive manner. By outlining his approach to governance, Barnier set the stage for potential reforms and policy initiatives that could shape the future direction of the French government under his leadership.

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