Evangelist Franklin Graham has traveled to Krakow, Poland, as part of his “God Loves You” tour. The event will take place at the TAURON Arena and will feature performances by singers Michael W. Smith and Taya, as well as the Polish band CSM. Graham emphasizes the importance of having a personal relationship with God rather than relying on religion or external factors for salvation. He believes that by sharing the message of God’s love, many lives can be changed and saved for eternity.

The event in Krakow comes at a time when Poland is facing deep division and issues that many see as spiritual in nature. Pastor Wojciech Włoch, chair of the Church of God’s College of Pastors in Poland, highlights the need for hope and peace in the country amidst increasing hatred and fighting. He believes that the message of the Bóg Cie Kocha Tour can help bring this much-needed hope and healing to families and communities in Poland. The tour has united hundreds of churches from different denominations to spread the message of God’s love.

Prior to the event in Krakow, Graham and Smith visited Auschwitz, an experience that Graham describes as “very sobering.” Reflecting on the suffering endured by the Jews and Polish people during WWII, he acknowledges the rise of antisemitism in the world today. Graham stresses the importance of God’s transforming power in combating the evil present in human hearts and believes that Jesus Christ is the only hope for the world. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, founded in 1950 by Graham’s father, works to share the Good News of Jesus Christ globally.

Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian-based charity founded in 1970, aims to meet the needs of those affected by war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine while sharing God’s love through Jesus Christ. Graham’s mission in Poland and around the world is to spread the message of hope and salvation through a personal relationship with God. He believes that by supporting and encouraging individuals to seek this relationship, lives can be transformed and communities can find peace and healing amidst turmoil and division.

Graham’s visit to Poland is seen as an opportunity to offer a message of hope and love in a country grappling with various challenges. He emphasizes the importance of turning to God for salvation and healing, as opposed to relying on external factors. By highlighting the transformative power of God’s love and grace, Graham hopes to bring about positive changes in individuals and communities in need of spiritual guidance and support. The tour serves as a platform for uniting churches and denominations in spreading the message of God’s unconditional love and the hope found in a personal relationship with Him.

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