At the Fête de L’Huma, the four parties of the New Popular Front compete with calls for maintaining “unity” on the left. During a round table discussion at the event, the leaders of the four parties of the New Popular Front delivered speeches emphasizing the importance of unity. Marine Tondelier of the Greens highlighted the event as a moment of unity and resistance, stressing the need for a unified candidacy in 2027. Fabien Roussel of the French Communist Party emphasized the importance of working together to bring about change in France, while Manuel Bompard of France Insoumise called for immediate action against President Macron’s actions. Finally, Olivier Faure of the Socialist Party praised the NFP for successfully blocking the far right and advocated for continuing the culture of unity.

Earlier in the day, there was a large crowd at the Picardie debout! stand to welcome François Ruffin, a former member of France Insoumise, who has been critical of Jean-Luc Mélenchon recently. Ruffin engaged in a debate on constitutional issues with Charlotte Girard, another former member of France Insoumise, but did not address his strained relationship with Mélenchon. The atmosphere was lively and full of applause as Ruffin’s presence drew a lot of attention.

The discussions at the event highlighted the need for unity on the left in order to effectively challenge the current government and bring about change in France. The leaders of the four parties of the New Popular Front emphasized the importance of working together to overcome differences and present a unified front against President Macron’s policies. The event served as a platform for dialogue and debate on key issues facing the country, with participants expressing a commitment to maintaining unity and continuing to work together towards common goals.

The speeches delivered by the leaders of the four parties at the Fête de L’Huma reflected their shared commitment to unity and collaboration in order to bring about political change in France. Despite differences of opinion and approach, there was a consensus on the need to put aside personal interests and work towards a common goal of challenging the current government and addressing the needs of the population. The event provided an opportunity for party leaders to engage with supporters and the public, presenting their vision for the future of the left in France and emphasizing the importance of solidarity and cooperation.

The presence of François Ruffin at the event highlighted the ongoing tensions within the left, particularly between former members of France Insoumise. Ruffin’s criticism of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his call for immediate action against President Macron’s policies underscored the challenges facing the left in maintaining unity and cohesion. Despite these internal tensions, the overall message of the event was one of unity and solidarity, with party leaders calling for continued collaboration and cooperation in order to effectively challenge the current government and bring about meaningful change in France.

Overall, the Fête de L’Huma served as a platform for dialogue and debate among the left parties, highlighting the importance of unity and collaboration in order to effectively challenge the current government and address the needs of the population. The speeches and discussions at the event underscored the shared commitment of the four parties of the New Popular Front to working together towards common goals, despite differences of opinion and approach. Moving forward, the focus will be on maintaining unity and solidarity within the left in order to present a strong and cohesive alternative to the current government.

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