French customs officers discovered cocaine hidden in a suitcase while inspecting the luggage of a passenger traveling to Paris at the international airport of Cayenne, in French Guiana, on March 24, 2024. Following six months of investigation, a report by the Senate committee on drug trafficking, chaired by Senator Jérôme Durain, was made public on May 14. The report, which involved 158 interviews with investigators, magistrates, academics, journalists, and representatives from various professions, as well as eight trips to Marseille, Antwerp (Belgium), or Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), and contributions from nineteen expert organizations, marks a significant step in recognizing the problem that currently threatens institutional stability.

The report acknowledges a long-standing issue of drug trafficking that has been largely ignored by governments that have chosen to combat its effects rather than addressing its root causes. The committee describes the situation as a “submersion”, highlighting the infiltration of drug trafficking into all aspects of society, leading to increased violence and the domination of disadvantaged neighborhoods. Residents of these areas are subjected to unbearable daily life marked by incivility, insecurity, deteriorating public facilities, and violent conflicts between rival gangs that sometimes result in the murder of innocent bystanders.

The most concerning aspect of the report is the creation of an alternate social model as a result of the exponential growth of drug trafficking. This parallel society has its own hierarchies, security forces, and economy based on specialization of tasks and a parallel labor market. The efficiency of this counter-society is maintained through fear and financial power, which keep neglected populations resigned or actively supportive due to lack of access to public services and abandonment by the government.

The report does have some shortcomings, such as the absence of a focus on the health dimension of drug trafficking and certain legal solutions proposed by the committee. Despite these flaws, the report provides a critical overview of a problem that has been ignored for decades. By acknowledging the extent of drug trafficking and its detrimental effects on society, the report underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing the issue and preventing further escalation of violence and social decay.

The report calls for a reevaluation of current strategies in combating drug trafficking, emphasizing the importance of addressing the underlying causes of the issue rather than just targeting its symptoms. The recommendations put forth by the committee include measures to strengthen law enforcement efforts, improve social services in disadvantaged areas, and increase international cooperation to disrupt drug trafficking networks. By taking a holistic approach to the problem, the report aims to tackle the root causes of drug trafficking and prevent its further spread and impact on society.

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