Kayak, a popular travel metasearch engine, has been using generative AI in various innovative ways that may not be immediately obvious. Matthias Keller, Kayak’s chief scientist, discussed the company’s recent AI projects at the Skift Data+AI Summit. One of the key areas where Kayak is leveraging AI is in improving employee productivity. By making tools like ChatGPT available to everyone, employees are encouraged to explore how generative AI can help them in their work, whether it’s as a translator or in organizing information. While there is no single killer use-case yet, Keller believes that the experimentation happening now could lead to significant advancements in the future.

One of the ways Kayak has integrated AI into its platform is through plugins like ChatGPT and Copilot. The company was one of the first travel companies to develop a plugin for ChatGPT Plus, which allowed paid users to access specific flight information and links from Kayak. While OpenAI discontinued the third-party plugin program in April, Kayak now offers tailored versions of chatbots through ChatGPT for free. Additionally, Kayak has its own GPT accessible under the Explore GPTS tab on the left panel of the ChatGPT homepage. The company also has a connection with Microsoft Copilot, where Bing search engine users can ask the Copilot chatbot for flight information and receive real-time information from Kayak.

Another innovative tool that Kayak has been testing is the Ask Kayak tool, a reimagined travel search tool that uses generative AI. While Skift tested the product when it was released, the tool primarily offers general information about travel destinations rather than real-time knowledge. By combining this with Kayak’s own knowledge base, users can find specific flights using simple language instead of filtering through multiple options. This demonstrates how generative AI is being used to simplify the travel planning process and make it more user-friendly.

In addition to chatbots and travel search tools, Kayak has also been experimenting with nonconventional consumer tools that utilize generative AI. This year, the company released a tool called PriceCheck, which can read flight fare information from a screenshot taken from another travel search platform and search for a better price. Skift tested the tool in March and found that it worked effectively. While PriceCheck may not feel like a traditional chatbot, its use of generative AI showcases how AI can be leveraged in innovative ways to provide unique solutions that would not be possible without this technology.

Overall, Kayak’s approach to experimenting with AI in various aspects of its platform shows a commitment to innovation and improving the travel experience for its users. By allowing employees to explore the benefits of generative AI in their work and integrating AI-driven tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, Ask Kayak, and PriceCheck into their platform, Kayak is at the forefront of using AI to enhance the travel booking process. As the company continues to explore different applications of AI, it is likely that they will uncover more opportunities to leverage this technology to provide personalized and efficient services to their customers, ultimately shaping the future of travel planning and booking.

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