Adilcevaz Diving School has recently been the center of attention as a dramatic rescue mission took place in the area. Serkan Çelik and his brother Koray Çelik were taking a canoe trip on Lake Van when they got into trouble and were swept away by the water. Fortunately, their nephew Doğuş Çelik witnessed the incident and quickly called the Emergency Call Center to report the situation. In an attempt to save his relatives, Doğuş Çelik, along with diving school staff member Hamit Dülek, grabbed a life jacket and set out on a canoe to rescue them, only to find himself in the same predicament due to strong winds.

Following the emergency call, the Coast Guard Command, police, and UMKE teams were dispatched to the area to initiate a search and rescue operation to save the four individuals. Adilcevaz Governor İsmail Demir and Mayor Abdullah Akbaba also arrived at the scene to receive updates from the officials and provide any necessary assistance. With the help of a drone, the whereabouts of the four individuals were pinpointed, allowing the Coast Guard Command teams to locate them, bring them onboard a boat, and transport them back to the Diving School safely.

After being rescued, the four individuals were immediately taken to the hospital for a check-up. Doğuş Çelik, who was one of the survivors, recounted the harrowing experience, explaining how his brother and uncle had initially been swept away while on a canoe trip due to the rough waves. He shared that they tried to row back to shore but ended up drifting further away, leading him to contact the authorities for help. Despite facing challenges during the rescue mission, including losing contact at one point, Doğuş Çelik expressed his gratitude towards the Coast Guard Command teams for their efforts in saving them.

The incident served as a reminder of the importance of taking necessary precautions and being prepared for unexpected situations while engaging in water activities. It highlighted the crucial role of emergency response teams and the coordination among various agencies in ensuring the safety of individuals in distress. The quick response and efficient coordination between the authorities involved in the rescue operation played a vital role in the successful outcome of the mission, ultimately saving the lives of Serkan Çelik, Koray Çelik, Doğuş Çelik, and Hamit Dülek.

As the community rallied together to support the rescued individuals and their families, the incident underscored the significance of being vigilant and proactive in preventing accidents and responding promptly to emergencies. The collaboration between local officials, rescue teams, and the public in handling crisis situations showcased the solidarity and commitment to ensuring the well-being of all members of the community. Moving forward, the focus remains on raising awareness about water safety measures and emergency protocols to prevent similar incidents and protect individuals engaging in recreational activities on Lake Van and other water bodies.

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