Silvio Berlusconi’s name remains at the forefront as the symbol presented at Palazzo Montecitorio. The Forza Italia-Noi Moderati list will present itself for the June elections with an electoral logo featuring a white background with the words ‘European People’s Party’ at the top, the Forza Italia flag, and the name ‘Berlusconi president’ in the center, with ‘Noi Moderati’ below. Vice Premier and Fi secretary Antonio Tajani stated, “With Noi Moderati, we are filling a void. Together, we can surpass 10 percent.” Tajani has not yet confirmed his candidacy, stating that he will campaign with all of his experience from 30 years in European institutions. Time is running out, with two months until the election, but Tajani is still in discussions with his party and government allies.

Maurizio Lupi, leader of Noi Moderati, explained that the collaboration is not just a temporary project, but part of a unified political vision. He stated, “The aim is not to merge the two parties into one, but to work together towards a very ambitious goal.” Lupi emphasized that a stronger center would strengthen the government’s actions led by Meloni. The list is firmly aligned with the European People’s Party, which remains pro-European and is currently the most prominent group in the outgoing European Parliament. FI and NM aim to give more prominence to Europe in Italy and vice versa, stating that their project intends to occupy the space between Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein, reinforcing the European People’s Party project in Italy.

According to the leaders, the goal is to engage non-voters rather than seeking votes from government allies. Tajani expressed, “I do not want to run a campaign against others. I hope that all center-right parties will do well. We will seek votes among non-voters, not our allies.” Tajani stressed that the more significant this list becomes, the more significant Italy will be in Europe. He highlighted the importance of electing a substantial number of MEPs to ensure Italy’s voice is heard in decision-making processes within the European institutions. The Ppe will play a crucial role in electing the future president of the European Parliament and the European Commission.

The presentation of the joint list was attended by Maurizio Lupi, who highlighted that months of dialogue had led to a shared political project rather than just a coalition of symbols. The aim is to win together the challenge of a new Europe, Lupi stated, emphasizing the importance of working together towards a common goal while maintaining the identity and strengths of each party. The joint list aims to occupy a central space in Italian politics between the more extreme positions represented by Meloni and Schlein, aligning with the pro-European stance of the European People’s Party.

Tajani reiterated the importance of the joint list for Italy’s political influence within Europe, emphasizing that a vote for their list is the most useful one in Italy. He encouraged voters to support the joint list to ensure Italy’s representation in European institutions and decision-making bodies. Tajani highlighted the prominent role the European People’s Party plays in European politics and the significance of electing a substantial number of MEPs to strengthen Italy’s position within the EU. The alliance of Forza Italia and Noi Moderati aims to provide a strong, unified voice for Italy within the European Union and to promote a vision of a united and prosperous Europe.

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