A group of US officials has publicly resigned over the Biden administration’s policy on Gaza and are coming together to support ongoing dissent and pressure the government to change its course. More than half a dozen officials have left their jobs in protest, stating they could no longer work for the administration, while others quietly departed. These resignations come amidst growing pressure on Biden for his support of Israel in the Gaza conflict, which has resulted in significant civilian casualties and widespread displacement.

The former officials who resigned publicly cited their concerns that their perspectives, expertise, and humanitarian issues were being ignored by the administration. They felt that US policy on the Gaza conflict was damaging the country’s credibility and that the administration did not fully grasp the impact of their decisions. They expressed disappointment in the administration’s response to the conflict, stating that policies needed to change to address the humanitarian toll caused by Israel’s military campaign.

Despite their resignations, all officials who have publicly left have remained in touch and are offering support and advice to colleagues who may be considering leaving or who continue to dissent from within the government. Their collective goal is to increase pressure on the administration to change course on Gaza policy. They hope to use their collective power to speak out and represent the views of many staff members who are still employed and unable to voice their dissent due to job security concerns.

Some officials had specific breaking points that pushed them to resign, while others felt it was a combination of incidents throughout the conflict that led to their decision. They felt that their concerns were not being taken seriously, and key reports were being altered or disregarded for political reasons. These factors contributed to their decisions to publicly leave their positions in protest of the administration’s policies on Gaza.

Some officials who resigned mentioned their disappointment in the administration’s response to critical issues surrounding the conflict, including the use of US weapons by Israeli forces in ways that violate international humanitarian law. The officials felt that these actions undermined US credibility and expressed concerns about the lack of accountability for these violations. The administration has stated that they respect differing opinions but ultimately make decisions on foreign policy based on presidential direction and guidance.

The resignees have formed a collective group to share experiences, provide support, and draw attention to the need for policy change within the administration. They are exploring different avenues, such as writing dissent cables, to express their opposition to current policies and ensure that their concerns are heard and addressed. By coming together and highlighting their shared concerns, these officials hope to make a meaningful impact on US policy towards Gaza and push for changes that prioritize humanitarian concerns and international law compliance.

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