Trusty suggests that one potential strategy for Trump’s legal team is to argue that the hush money payments were not campaign finance violations, but rather personal financial transactions. He points out that these payments may have been made to protect Trump’s marriage and reputation, rather than to influence the outcome of the election. Trusty also notes that campaign finance laws are notoriously complex and difficult to prove, which could work in Trump’s favor during the trial.

With regards to Trump’s involvement in the hush money payments, Trusty speculates that Trump could argue that he was not aware of the specifics of the payments and therefore cannot be held responsible for any violations that may have occurred. He suggests that Trump’s legal team may try to shift the blame onto his former attorney Michael Cohen, who has already pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations in connection to the payments.

Trusty acknowledges that there is a risk in this strategy, as it may be difficult to convince a jury that Trump was completely unaware of the hush money payments. However, he believes that Trump’s lawyers could potentially argue that even if Trump did know about the payments, they were still not campaign finance violations and therefore not illegal.

In terms of the potential outcome of the trial, Trusty argues that a “victory” for Trump would not necessarily mean that he is acquitted of all charges, but rather that his legal team is able to minimize the impact of the prosecution’s case. He suggests that his lawyers could seek to have any charges reduced or dismissed altogether, or negotiate a plea deal that does not involve any jail time for Trump.

Overall, Trusty’s analysis suggests that Trump’s legal team could have a viable strategy to navigate the hush money trial and potentially secure a favorable outcome for the former president. However, he emphasizes that the case is complex and there are many factors at play, so it remains to be seen how it will ultimately unfold. Regardless of the outcome, the trial is likely to be closely watched and could have significant implications for Trump’s future legal troubles.

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