The statement asserts that there is no policy of closed ports in principle, meaning that countries should not deny entry to individuals seeking refuge or assistance. It emphasizes that no political decision should come at the expense of fundamental human rights. This suggests a commitment to upholding the rights of individuals, even in the face of political pressures.

The declaration challenges the idea that countries can justify closing their ports to migrants and refugees based on political expediency. By stating that there is no political choice that can override fundamental human rights, it calls into question the validity of policies that prioritize national interests over the well-being of individuals in need. This suggests a moral imperative to prioritize the protection of human rights over political considerations.

The statement implies that decisions regarding the admission of migrants and refugees should be guided by a commitment to upholding human rights. By rejecting the notion of closed ports as a political strategy, it emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the well-being and rights of individuals seeking assistance. This suggests a call for policies that are centered on principles of compassion and solidarity.

The declaration suggests that the rights and dignity of individuals should not be compromised for the sake of political expediency. By asserting that no political choice should supersede fundamental human rights, it underscores the need to prioritize the well-being and rights of individuals in vulnerable situations. This implies a commitment to upholding universal values of justice and human rights.

The statement implies that countries have a moral obligation to provide assistance and protection to individuals in need, regardless of political considerations. By rejecting the idea of closed ports as a political choice, it emphasizes the importance of upholding the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or status. This suggests a broader commitment to principles of humanitarianism and solidarity.

Overall, the declaration underscores the importance of prioritizing human rights and dignity in decisions regarding migration and refugee protection. By emphasizing that no political choice should come at the expense of fundamental human rights, it calls for policies that are grounded in principles of compassion and solidarity. This suggests a moral imperative to prioritize the well-being and rights of all individuals, regardless of political considerations.

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