Two of Hunter Biden’s former romantic partners, his ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend, provided testimony about his addiction to crack in the weeks before he claimed to be drug-free on a federal firearms form. The women described a family man who was falling into addiction while living a lavish high life. A third woman, Hallie Biden, may be called as a witness and is likely to offer insight into Mr. Biden’s actions when he bought the gun in question. Special counsel David C. Weiss has turned to women closest to Mr. Biden to document his drug use, revisiting embarrassing episodes in the Biden family’s history during an election year.

The trial has highlighted inconsistencies in the prosecution’s witnesses’ testimony, with Mr. Biden’s lawyer emphasizing a lack of evidence that his client was using crack cocaine at the time he filled out the gun application. The trial is expected to be a painful and personal experience for the president’s family, with Jill Biden attending for multiple days. The witnesses have provided detailed accounts of Mr. Biden’s drug use and the impact it had on their lives, with testimony highlighting the destructive nature of addiction.

One of the witnesses, Ms. Kestan, offered a vivid description of drug-fueled partying with Mr. Biden and his use of cash for drugs during Fashion Week in 2018. Under cross-examination, Mr. Lowell challenged her credibility, pointing out her involvement in enabling Mr. Biden’s drug habit. Ms. Buhle, Mr. Biden’s ex-wife, testified about the toll of his addiction on their family, describing his anger and short temper when using drugs. The trial continued with testimony from other witnesses, including the man who sold Mr. Biden the gun in question.

Mr. Biden is facing three felony charges related to lying on a federal firearms application and possessing an illegally obtained gun. If convicted, he could face significant prison time and fines, although first-time nonviolent offenders often receive leniency. House Republicans have urged more charges against Mr. Biden, while others question the necessity of the gun charges. Prosecutors argue that holding Mr. Biden accountable is essential, while his defense team claims the charges are politically motivated.

The trial has generated significant attention and debate, with some questioning the focus on a former drug addict committed to recovery. Republicans have raised concerns about the prosecution tactics, while prosecutors argue that the rule of law must be upheld. The case has become a focal point in the political landscape, with implications for both Mr. Biden and his father, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. The proceedings continue with testimony from additional witnesses as the trial unfolds.

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