Amy Kremer, a conservative activist from Atlanta, played a significant role in organizing the “Save America” rally near the White House where Donald Trump urged his supporters to “fight like hell” on January 6, 2021. Despite not being part of the mob that later stormed the Capitol, Kremer was a key figure in spreading the false narrative of election fraud that led to the Capitol siege. Now, as Trump aims for a return to the White House, Kremer is vying for one of the two Georgia seats on the Republican National Committee, highlighting the continuing impact of the 2020 election on the GOP in Georgia and nationwide.

The Republican National Committee has come under criticism from Kremer and others for not doing enough to support Trump or those who supported him in the aftermath of the 2020 election. The Georgia GOP, like many state parties, has seen internal divisions, with Governor Brian Kemp creating a separate fundraising and political operation after facing backlash for accepting the election results. The rift deepened when some party leaders supported a Trump-backed challenge to Kemp. Despite some dismissing the state party’s relevance, it remains a crucial training ground for future candidates and a key player in passing legislation.

The upcoming state party convention in Georgia will see delegates choosing new members for the national party’s governing body. Incumbents Jason Thompson and Ginger Howard, known for their Trump loyalty, are calling for the national party to repay the state party’s expenses in defending fake Trump electors. The convention is also marked by personal attacks among candidates, including accusations of associations with controversial figures like Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Challengers to the current RNC members, like David Cross and Jason Frazier, argue that the party leadership needs to better represent the grassroots pro-Trump base and prioritize election integrity efforts. They criticize the current leaders for their alleged failure to engage with voters and prioritize the issue of election integrity, which they believe is crucial for future electoral victories. The challengers are counting on a sense of grievance and a desire for confrontation to appeal to the party base.

The ongoing power struggle within the Georgia GOP reflects larger divisions within the Republican Party nationwide, stemming from the aftermath of the 2020 election and the continued influence of Donald Trump. The outcome of the state party convention and the selection of new national party members will provide insights into the future direction of the GOP in Georgia and beyond. Despite the internal strife, the party remains vital for grooming political candidates and shaping the legislative agenda in the state. The upcoming convention will be a test of loyalty to Trump and a battleground for different factions within the party.

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