A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over his handling of nursing home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lawsuit was filed in early 2022 by New York families who accused Cuomo’s administration of undercounting fatalities. Cuomo’s spokesman Rich Azzopardi stated that the truth has prevailed, highlighting that similar dismissals were made by the DOJ and the Manhattan district attorney. Cuomo’s reputation suffered after it was revealed that his administration released an incomplete account of deaths at nursing homes and assisted living facilities. He resigned in August 2021 amidst sexual harassment allegations which he denies.

A state report commissioned by Cuomo’s successor, Gov. Kathy Hochul, found that while the policies on how nursing homes should handle COVID-19 were “rushed and uncoordinated,” they were based on the best understanding of the science at the time. Cuomo faced scrutiny during a congressional subcommittee hearing earlier this month, where Republican lawmakers questioned him about a directive issued in March 2020 that initially barred nursing homes from refusing to accept COVID-19 patients. Cuomo defended his actions and blamed the former Trump administration for not providing enough testing and protective equipment in the early days of the pandemic. The House committee report did not address whether discharged patients were still contagious upon readmission to nursing homes, nor did it provide evidence that the directive helped spread the virus.

Cuomo testified before a subcommittee in June, but the hearing was held behind closed doors. Top former Cuomo administration officials were also interviewed as part of the investigation. Cuomo emphasized that figures were initially withheld due to concerns about accuracy. There were about 15,000 COVID-19 deaths among long-term care residents in New York, a number significantly higher than initially disclosed. Cuomo maintains that some figures were not initially released because of accuracy concerns. Cuomo’s defense shifted blame to the federal government’s response to the pandemic, describing it as malpractice. The report issued by the House committee did not provide evidence to support the allegation that the directive contributed to the spread of the virus.

Cuomo was widely praised in the early months of the pandemic, but his reputation faltered amid revelations regarding the incomplete account of nursing home deaths. He resigned from office in August 2021 following sexual harassment allegations. A report commissioned by Gov. Kathy Hochul found that the policies on COVID-19 in nursing homes were rushed and uncoordinated but based on the best available science at the time. Cuomo faced Republican lawmakers during a congressional subcommittee hearing earlier this month, where he defended his actions in handling nursing home deaths during the pandemic. Cuomo shifted blame to the federal government’s response, describing it as malpractice. The House committee report did not address whether discharged patients were still contagious upon readmission to nursing homes, nor did it find evidence that the directive contributed to the spread of the virus.

Cuomo’s spokesman stated that the dismissal of the lawsuit against Cuomo is a victory for truth and justice. Similar dismissals were made by the DOJ and the Manhattan district attorney. Cuomo’s reputation suffered after it was revealed his administration released an incomplete account of nursing home deaths. He resigned from office amid sexual harassment allegations. A state report commissioned by his successor found that policies on how nursing homes should handle COVID-19 were rushed and uncoordinated but based on the best understanding of science at the time. Cuomo faced questioning from Republican lawmakers during a congressional subcommittee hearing earlier this month, defending his actions and shifting blame to the federal government’s response.

The House committee report did not delve into the question of whether discharged COVID-19 patients were still contagious upon readmission to nursing homes, nor did it find evidence to support the claim that the directive contributed to the spread of the virus. Cuomo stated that some figures were initially withheld due to concerns about accuracy. There were about 15,000 COVID-19 deaths among long-term care residents in New York, significantly more than initially disclosed. Cuomo shifted blame to the federal government’s response, describing it as malpractice. The report issued by the House committee did not provide evidence to support the allegation that the directive resulted in the spread of the virus.

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