Former NBA player Royce White received an endorsement from the Republican Party of Minnesota at their convention in St. Paul’s RiverCentre over the weekend. White, who is now a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, is looking to challenge Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar in the 2024 Minnesota United States Senate race. Despite the endorsement, White will still need to secure the GOP nomination in the primary on August 13th.

White’s unconventional campaign has drawn attention, including support from former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. White’s basketball career was marred by mental health struggles and a fear of flying, leading him to take on political ambitions. He previously ran in the GOP primary to challenge Representative Ilhan Omar in 2022 and has been vocal about issues such as money in politics and police reform.

After receiving the endorsement, White expressed frustration with media reports linking him to Black Lives Matter. He insisted that he did not march with BLM but rather they marched with him to the Federal Reserve to address deeper economic and financial issues. White’s unapologetic support for Trump has also garnered attention, with him stating that he would never vote for Democrats again even if Trump behaved inappropriately.

White has made controversial statements in the past, including spreading conspiracy theories about individuals such as Nancy Pelosi’s husband. Despite these remarks and his unconventional approach to politics, White’s campaign has gained momentum within the Republican Party of Minnesota. If he secures the GOP nomination, White will face off against Klobuchar, who has a significant advantage in campaign funds and is seeking her fourth term in the Senate.

Klobuchar, a former presidential candidate, is a formidable opponent with a significant war chest for her re-election campaign. She has maintained a solid lead in the polls and is considered the favorite to win the Senate race. With White gaining traction within the GOP, the race is expected to be closely watched as the 2024 election approaches, with the potential for a competitive campaign between White and Klobuchar.

Despite his unconventional approach to politics and controversial statements, White’s campaign has tapped into support from within the Republican Party of Minnesota. His combination of celebrity status as a former NBA player, support from prominent figures like Steve Bannon, and his alignment with Trump has helped him gain attention and endorsements. As the race for the Senate seat in Minnesota heats up, White’s candidacy adds a unique dynamic to the political landscape.

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