The Chief Prosecutor of Rome, Francesco Lo Voi, has opened an investigation into former Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano for embezzlement, disclosure, and dissemination of official secrets. This investigation is related to the controversy surrounding Sangiuliano’s proposed appointment as a consultant to the Grand Events Commission for the G7 of Culture in Pompeii by influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia. The investigation was initiated following a formal complaint submitted to the Capital’s prosecutor’s office by Avs parliamentarian Angelo Bonelli, urging authorities to look into potential criminal activities involving improper use of travel reimbursements and the official government vehicle. The general prosecutor’s office of the Court of Auditors in Lazio has also launched inquiries into possible embezzlement of public funds. The investigative dossier will be transferred to the Court of Ministers along with a summary report, which includes the original complaint filed with the police station at the Chamber of Deputies by the parliamentarian. The specialized section of the court will have 90 days to conduct investigations, including interrogations and gathering of testimonial evidence by law enforcement agencies.

The allegations against Sangiuliano revolve around his potential misconduct in relation to the G7 of Culture event in Pompeii, where he was proposed to serve as a consultant. The influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia’s involvement in the affair has raised suspicion of corrupt practices and misuse of public resources. The complaints filed against Sangiuliano by parliamentarian Angelo Bonelli highlight concerns about the legality of travel expenses and official vehicle usage during the planning stages of the event. The Court of Auditors in Lazio has also joined the investigation to determine if any public funds were unlawfully diverted for personal gain. The combined efforts of the prosecutor’s office and the court will aim to uncover any criminal activities and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

The investigation into Sangiuliano’s actions will involve a thorough examination of his conduct and decision-making processes during his tenure as Minister of Culture. The 90-day timeframe set by the court will allow for a comprehensive review of all relevant evidence and testimonies to determine the extent of any criminal wrongdoing. Law enforcement agencies will be authorized to conduct interrogations and gather information from potential witnesses to shed light on the alleged embezzlement and disclosure of official secrets. The investigation will seek to establish a clear timeline of events leading up to the controversial nomination of Sangiuliano as a consultant for the G7 of Culture in Pompeii and determine whether any laws were violated in the process.

The involvement of the Court of Auditors in Lazio adds another layer of scrutiny to the investigation, as they will focus on identifying any financial irregularities or embezzlement of public funds related to the G7 of Culture event. The collaboration between the prosecutor’s office and the court demonstrates a commitment to upholding transparency and accountability in government actions. The investigative process will be guided by legal procedures and regulations to ensure a fair and thorough examination of the allegations against Sangiuliano and other implicated individuals. The outcome of the investigation will have significant implications for the future handling of public resources and the prevention of corruption in government activities. By pursuing justice in this case, authorities aim to send a clear message that misconduct and abuse of power will not be tolerated in any form.

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