In a surprising turn of events at the Democratic National Convention, two prominent Republicans, Olivia Troye and Geoff Duncan, took the stage to urge GOP voters to support Democratic nominee Kamala Harris in the upcoming election. Olivia Troye, who served as a counterterrorism advisor to then-Vice President Mike Pence in the Trump administration, spoke out against the chaos and divisiveness of the current Republican Party under President Trump’s leadership. She emphasized the importance of putting country over party, urging Republicans to consider voting for Harris in 2024 as an act of patriotism.

Geoff Duncan, the former lieutenant governor of Georgia and the second highest elected official in the state, echoed Troye’s sentiments in his speech at the convention. Duncan criticized the lack of civility and conservatism in the current Republican Party, which he described as chaotic and crazy under Trump’s leadership. He urged Republican and independent voters who are tired of making excuses for Trump to consider voting for Harris as a way to bring about change and restore integrity to the political process.

Duncan acknowledged that voters may not agree with every policy position of Kamala Harris, but he argued that the choice between Harris and Trump should be seen as a test of patriotism rather than a strict party allegiance. He emphasized the need for Republicans to prioritize the values and principles that are essential to a functioning democracy, even if it means breaking with the party line. Duncan’s impassioned plea for Republicans to “dump Trump” reflected a growing sentiment within the GOP that a change in leadership is necessary for the country’s future.

Olivia Troye shared her own personal experience of working within the Trump White House, describing it as a terrifying and unsettling environment. She highlighted Trump’s undermining of the intelligence community, military leaders, and democratic process as a cause for concern and emphasized the potential consequences of his actions if he were to win re-election. Troye’s decision to resign from the administration and become a vocal critic of Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates a commitment to speaking out against what she sees as a threat to our national security and democratic values.

Both Troye and Duncan emphasized the importance of putting country over party and standing up for the principles that are essential to a functioning democracy. Their speeches at the Democratic National Convention served as a powerful reminder to Republicans and independents who are disillusioned with Trump’s leadership that there is an alternative in Kamala Harris. By urging voters to consider voting for Harris as an act of patriotism and a way to bring about positive change, Troye and Duncan made a compelling case for breaking with party allegiance in favor of a brighter and more hopeful future for the United States.

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