Jesse James, a well-known television personality, is currently facing a lawsuit from his former personal assistant, Karen Sanchez-Roberts, over injuries allegedly caused by his dogs. According to court documents obtained by Us Weekly, the incident took place in April 2023 when James’ dogs started attacking each other. Sanchez-Roberts attempted to separate the dogs and was bitten on her right hand in the process. She was taken to a local clinic where she received stitches and was diagnosed with a fracture.

Sanchez-Roberts claimed that James did not provide workers’ compensation insurance and that the injuries she suffered as a result of the incident required surgical intervention. She alleged that James was aware of his dogs’ aggressive tendencies but failed to take any corrective action prior to the attack. Additionally, she accused James of negligent handling of animals, failing to restrain the dogs, and failing to provide a safe workplace. She claimed that the dogs were more aggressive than typical for their breed and that James had the knowledge and ability to prevent the attack.

In response to the lawsuit, James has denied all of Sanchez-Roberts’ claims. He maintains his innocence and is represented by his legal team in this matter. Us Weekly reached out to James’ legal team for comment, but there has been no response as of yet. This is not the first time James’ dogs have been involved in a headline-making incident. In 2011, a pit bull owned by James attacked a corgi, resulting in the corgi needing medical attention and stitches. James reportedly covered the costs of the dog’s medical bills in that incident.

Sanchez-Roberts is seeking monetary damages in her lawsuit to compensate for her medical care, physical pain and suffering, physical impairment, mental anguish, disfigurement, and loss of wages. The outcome of the lawsuit is still pending as it moves through the legal process. Despite the allegations made against him, James continues to maintain his innocence and deny any wrongdoing in connection with the incident. It remains to be seen how this legal dispute will be resolved and what impact it will have on James’ reputation and personal life moving forward.

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