Matilda Freeman, who played the original Summer Spellman on Coronation Street from 2017 to 2020, has undergone a noticeable transformation since leaving the show. Now appearing in the ITV series Passenger, Matilda portrays Lilly in the dark comedy set in the community of Chaddar Vale, filled with unusual crimes. Her character in Passenger is vastly different from her role as Summer Spellman, featuring auburn hair and freckles, showing a departure from her previous blonde look. Matilda stars alongside familiar faces like Jack James Ryan and Debbie Rush from Corrie, as well as Teresa Bryant star Karen Henthorn and ex-Emmerdale actor Tom Lister in this new series. Matilda left Corrie in pursuit of other acting opportunities, citing the restrictions of her contract as the reason for her departure.
Matilda Freeman’s shift from Coronation Street to Passenger has been met with excitement from fans and fellow cast members alike. Since leaving, Matilda has made appearances in Alma’s Not Normal and continues to enhance her acting career with diverse roles. Former co-stars like Harriet Bibby and Elle Mulvaney have expressed enthusiasm for Matilda’s new projects, encouraging viewers to watch Passenger. Matilda’s decision to step away from the long-running soap opera was motivated by a desire for new challenges and opportunities in the acting industry. With Passenger providing a platform for Matilda to showcase her talents in a different genre, she is gaining recognition for her versatility as an actress beyond her familiar role as Summer Spellman.
The transformation of Matilda Freeman’s appearance and acting roles post-Coronation Street highlights her growth and evolution as a performer. Portraying Lilly in Passenger allows Matilda to explore a darker comedic space that differs from the family-oriented drama of her previous character. Reuniting with former co-stars in a new setting adds another layer of excitement to Matilda’s career, demonstrating her ability to adapt to diverse projects and collaborate with a range of actors. Matilda’s departure from Coronation Street marked a new chapter in her acting journey, opening doors to explore various genres and characters that showcase her versatility on screen.
Matilda Freeman’s involvement in Passenger signifies a shift in her career trajectory, moving beyond the boundaries of playing Summer Spellman on Coronation Street. The opportunity to portray Lilly in a series like Passenger allows Matilda to challenge herself creatively and expand her range as an actress. Working alongside seasoned actors and in a different narrative space presents Matilda with new experiences and growth opportunities in her profession. Matilda’s transition from a long-term role on a popular soap opera to a darker comedy series reflects her commitment to evolving as an artist and taking on roles that push her boundaries.
The support and excitement surrounding Matilda Freeman’s new projects post-Coronation Street underscore the positive reception to her career progression and artistic choices. Collaborating with established actors and venturing into different genres showcase Matilda’s determination to cultivate a diverse body of work and showcase her acting capabilities beyond her earlier roles. With Passenger offering a platform for Matilda to explore new characters and narratives, her journey post-Coronation Street is marked by growth, transformation, and a commitment to evolving as an actress. Matilda’s transition from a beloved soap opera character to a versatile performer highlights her potential to thrive in various acting endeavors and pursue a fulfilling career in the industry.