Robert Costello, a lawyer who previously advised Michael Cohen, testified that Cohen claimed former President Donald Trump was not involved in a hush money payment made to Stormy Daniels. Costello, who had previously worked as a federal prosecutor, explained that he could discuss his interactions with Cohen because he waived attorney-client privilege. Costello recalled a conversation with Cohen in 2018 where Cohen expressed desperation after being indicted and considering jumping off a building due to pressure from an upcoming criminal case. Costello urged Cohen to cooperate with authorities and provide truthful information about Trump, but Cohen repeatedly insisted he had no incriminating evidence against the former president.

Costello also testified that he was involved in a non-disclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels, arranged by Cohen. Cohen had been approached by Daniels’ attorney threatening to expose an alleged sexual encounter with Trump unless they received payment for her silence. Cohen, motivated by a desire to work in the Trump administration, decided to handle the situation himself and paid Daniels $130,000 to prevent the story from becoming public. He used a home equity line of credit to make the payment, concealing it from his wife. Cohen also testified that he was later reimbursed $420,000 for the payment, with Trump’s knowledge.

Despite Cohen’s testimony during Trump’s trial, where he admitted to the payments and reimbursement, Costello stated that Cohen had repeatedly denied having any evidence against Trump during their interactions. Costello emphasized that Cohen seemed focused on protecting himself and avoiding prison time, rather than implicating Trump. He suggested that Cohen’s change in stance could be attributed to personal vendettas against Trump, rather than a genuine desire for justice. Costello described Cohen as not credible and accused him of lying when it benefited him personally, but telling the truth when it served his own interests.

Costello’s testimony highlighted the conflicting narratives surrounding the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels and Trump’s alleged involvement. While Cohen admitted to handling the payment, he initially denied having any damaging information about Trump to implicate him. Costello portrayed Cohen as a self-serving individual who was now seeking revenge against Trump for his legal troubles. He criticized the Manhattan District Attorney’s pursuit of charges against Trump, contrasting it with the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York’s actions. Costello suggested that Cohen’s motivations were suspect and questioned his credibility in the ongoing case.

The revelations from Costello’s testimony shed light on the complex dynamics between Cohen, Trump, and Daniels regarding the hush money payment. Costello’s account of his interactions with Cohen painted a picture of a troubled individual grappling with legal troubles and personal pressures. The testimony underscored the challenges in unraveling the truth behind the payment and Trump’s potential involvement. The conflicting accounts and motivations of the key players added a layer of intrigue to the ongoing legal proceedings and raised questions about the credibility of the witnesses. As Cohen continued his testimony, the focus shifted to how the prosecution would navigate these complexities to build their case against Trump.

In conclusion, Costello’s testimony provided valuable insights into the events surrounding the hush money payment and the interactions between Cohen and Trump. The revelations about Cohen’s initial denials of having incriminating evidence against Trump, despite later admissions, raised questions about his credibility and motivations. The conflicting narratives highlighted the challenges in determining the truth amidst personal vendettas and legal complexities. As the trial continued, the prosecution’s case against Trump faced scrutiny due to the credibility of key witnesses like Cohen. The evolving dynamics in the courtroom underscored the complexities of seeking justice in high-profile cases involving powerful individuals like Trump and his associates.

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