Following a party after a meeting of the Bavarian FDP youth in April, at least one member is said to have chanted the racist slogan “Germany for Germans, foreigners out.” This resulted in one member leaving the group, while another is facing an expulsion procedure. The incident took place around 1 am and was quickly stopped by other members. No FDP MPs or the party’s general secretary were present at the time.

Immediate investigations were launched by the internal organization of the association, with the state executive committee deciding to take disciplinary measures against those involved. One member who made the offensive statement has already voluntarily left the organization. Discussions are ongoing with another member who is accused of downplaying the incident, with the aim of a successful expulsion from the group. The FDP youth organization in Bavaria emphasizes values such as freedom, diversity, and openness, and states that the incident goes against these core values.

The FDP state executive committee also made a decision stating that individuals who chant such slogans cannot be members of the FDP Bavaria. Those who violate the party’s core values will face disciplinary action. FDP state chairman Martin Hagen expressed shock at the incident and praised the swift and decisive actions taken by the FDP youth organization. He emphasized that xenophobia has no place in the liberal party. The incident has sparked discussions about the importance of addressing and combating xenophobic attitudes within political organizations.

The incident has raised concerns about the presence of extremist views within political youth organizations and the need for strict measures to address and prevent such behavior. The swift response from the FDP and the internal investigations demonstrate a commitment to upholding values of tolerance and diversity. The incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in combating racism and xenophobia in society and the importance of actively promoting inclusivity and acceptance.

The FDP youth organization in Bavaria has reaffirmed its commitment to promoting freedom, diversity, and openness, and has taken steps to address the incident and prevent similar occurrences in the future. The party’s leadership has emphasized that there is no place for xenophobia within the organization and that disciplinary action will be taken against members who violate the party’s core values. The incident highlights the need for continued efforts to combat racism and discrimination in society and within political circles.

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