The Russian military has allegedly attacked Kharkiv Oblast with a FAB-3000 high-explosive aerial bomb, according to Russian sources. A pro-Kremlin blogger shared a video claiming to show Russian bombers striking a Ukrainian military target in the village of Liptsy in Kharkiv Oblast. The footage reportedly shows the first combat use of a FAB-3000 M-54 bomb with a universal planning and correction module. Russian forces have previously attacked Kharkiv Oblast with high-explosive aerial bombs amidst increased attacks and a new offensive in the region. The use of glide bombs has been a critical factor in Russia’s recent battlefield successes in Ukraine, with hundreds of these weapons causing destruction in military positions and settlements.

The Kyiv Independent was unable to verify the claims of the alleged attack in Kharkiv Oblast at the time of publication. Russian forces had previously attacked the Kupiansk district with a FAB-1500 air-dropped bomb, resulting in casualties. The Russian Defense Ministry had claimed mass production of FAB-3000 aerial bombs in March. The video from June 20 purportedly shows a FAB-3000 bomb striking the end of a building used by the Ukrainian army as a temporary deployment point, causing significant damage. The use of glide bombs by Russia has allowed them to gain land in Ukraine, with these weapons proving to be highly effective in their military operations.

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has seen increased aggression from Russian forces, with attacks involving high-explosive aerial bombs causing casualties and widespread destruction. The use of glide bombs, such as the FAB-3000, has enabled Russia to maintain its offensive and make significant advances in the region. The video shared by the pro-Kremlin blogger showcases the deadly impact of these weapons on Ukrainian military targets. The Russian military’s tactics, including the use of glide bombs, have played a crucial role in their recent successes on the battlefield in Ukraine.

The situation in Kharkiv Oblast remains volatile, with Russian attacks and bombing campaigns continuing to disrupt civilian life and cause devastation. The indiscriminate use of high-explosive aerial bombs has resulted in civilian casualties and widespread damage to infrastructure in the region. The Ukrainian population in Kharkiv Oblast continues to be at risk as the conflict escalates, with the Russian military’s aggressive tactics posing a threat to both military targets and civilian populations. The international community must continue to monitor the situation closely and provide support to Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

The use of high-explosive aerial bombs, such as the FAB-3000, in the conflict in Ukraine highlights the devastating impact of modern warfare on civilian populations and infrastructure. The targeting of military positions and civilian areas with these powerful weapons has led to widespread destruction and loss of life in the region. The international community must condemn the use of such indiscriminate and deadly weapons in conflicts and work towards a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Ukraine. Support for independent journalism in Ukraine is crucial in providing accurate information and shedding light on the realities of the ongoing conflict. By joining in the fight to support independent media, individuals can help ensure that the world remains informed about the situation in Ukraine and the atrocities being carried out by Russian forces.

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