Since May 9th, Europe Day, Le Monde has been holding a daily live coverage dedicated to the European election campaign, which will take place on June 9th in France, through public meetings and televised debates. A week before the election, and for the final weekend of the campaign, several leading candidates are organizing meetings that will be covered in this live stream. The schedule includes Manon Aubry, the “unbowed” lead candidate, who will be in Toulouse with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and the candidate for the Socialist Party (PS) and Place Publique, Raphaël Glucksmann, who will be in Marseille with the PS National Secretary, Olivier Faure. Later in the day, Valérie Hayer, candidate for the presidential camp, and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal will be speaking from Les Docks d’Aubervilliers in the Paris region, while François-Xavier Bellamy, lead candidate for the Republicans, will be speaking from Bordeaux.

In addition to the live coverage, readers can also access various articles, analyses, and reports on the 2024 European elections. This includes in-depth content such as a decryption of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal’s surprising calmness in uncertain times, a portrait of Socialist candidate Raphaël Glucksmann, a chronicle on the sleepwalking nature of the European election campaign in the face of rising dangers, a narrative on Manon Aubry’s campaign for the European elections in the shadow of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan, an analysis of how French MEPs voted on environmental and climate issues, a video on who votes against Europe, and an explanation guide to understand the voting process from June 6th to 9th.

The coverage provides a comprehensive view of the final days of the European election campaign in France, highlighting key moments and speeches from leading candidates and political figures across the country. With live updates on the meetings and speeches, readers can stay informed on the latest developments and insights into the candidates’ positions and priorities. The diverse range of content, from articles to videos to analyses, offers a thorough examination of the election landscape, helping readers to navigate the complexities of the electoral process and make informed decisions on Election Day.

As the election date approaches, the intensity of the campaign activities increases, with candidates crisscrossing the country to connect with voters and make their final pitches to secure support. The live coverage captures the dynamic nature of the campaign, from the adrenaline-filled rallies to the heated debates, providing a real-time snapshot of the political landscape in the lead-up to the election. Through a blend of textual and visual storytelling, readers can immerse themselves in the campaign events and gain a deeper understanding of the candidates’ platforms and policies, enabling them to make an informed decision when they cast their vote on June 9th.

With a focus on the major players in the election, including Manon Aubry, Raphaël Glucksmann, Valérie Hayer, Gabriel Attal, and François-Xavier Bellamy, the coverage offers insights into their leadership styles, campaign strategies, and policy priorities. By delving into the personal stories and political backgrounds of the candidates, readers can better comprehend the motivations behind their positions and assess their suitability for representing the French electorate in the European Parliament. With the election drawing near, the coverage serves as a valuable resource for voters seeking to engage with the political process and make an informed choice that aligns with their values and beliefs on Europe’s future.

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