The flowers grown in the greenhouse in the Parliament garden are prepared not only for landscaping works, but also for interior design and all activities on the Parliament campus, as well as for special occasions. Upon the instruction of the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Numan Kurtulmuş, some of the flowers grown in the greenhouse were prepared to be presented to the mothers of the children of the Parliament employees who attend the kindergarten and daycare center.

Ümit Küçük, an agricultural engineer working in the Parks and Gardens Services of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Support Services Presidency, explained the preparations in the greenhouse before Mother’s Day. Küçük mentioned that they cultivate seasonal and indoor plants for landscaping arrangements in the Parliament garden. He stated, “We have grown different flowers such as petunia, begonia, velvet, and marigold for the summer of 2024. This year, we have preparation for a total of around 100,000 summer flowers.”

Küçük explained that they started preparations in February and that the flowers, grown from seeds and seedlings, are ready for planting in May. After the work in the field is completed, the flowers in the greenhouse are taken to the areas in the Parliament campus and planted. Ümit Küçük also mentioned that the Parliament Presidency makes plans for special occasions such as Mother’s Day and Women’s Day. In line with the suggestions received, flower presentations are made for special days using the available resources. This year, 330 petunias are prepared for mothers.

Gizem Işık, who works as a gardener in the greenhouse, explained the preparations for Mother’s Day, emphasizing that they make decorations based on the sizes and colors of the flowers. She stated that they take care of the planting, watering, weeding, and maintenance of the flowers together with their colleagues. Işık also mentioned that preparing flowers for hundreds of mothers is a source of pride for them, emphasizing that it is important to remember and appreciate mothers not just on one day but every day. She also extended her best wishes to all mothers and mother-to-bes on Mother’s Day.

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