A new draft decree is set to be discussed at the next Council of Ministers in Italy, which introduces several changes to the immigration system for foreign workers. One of the key changes is the introduction of specific click days for employers who wish to hire foreign workers in the country. Each employer can submit up to 3 requests, with a deadline set for 2025 to submit applications for seasonal workers in the hospitality and agricultural sectors. Additionally, an experimental measure will see an additional 10,000 entry visas issued for caregivers next year.

Furthermore, the draft decree includes provisions to combat labor exploitation and illegal practices in the employment of foreign workers. In cases of exploitation such as caporalato, where workers are subjected to violence and exploitation, measures will be in place to protect victims. For workers who assist in uncovering such illegal practices and identifying those responsible, the police will grant an immediate residence permit to the victim and their family members in order to protect them from further harm.

Additionally, the draft decree aims to enhance the screening process for foreign workers from countries with a high risk of submitting fraudulent documentation or failing to meet legal requirements. These countries will be identified through a decree issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The goal is to ensure that only qualified and legitimate applications are considered, and to safeguard against potential exploitation and misuse of the immigration system.

The new measures also aim to streamline the process for hiring foreign workers in Italy. Employers will now have the opportunity to participate in click days to submit their requests for foreign workers, with a limit of 3 requests per employer. This system is designed to simplify the application process and ensure that both employers and foreign workers are able to navigate the system more efficiently.

In addition to the changes for hiring foreign workers, the draft decree also includes provisions to support victims of labor exploitation and illegal practices. Workers who assist in uncovering illegal activities and identifying those responsible will be granted immediate protection through a residence permit, allowing them and their family members to escape violence and exploitation. This measure is aimed at providing support and resources to those who are most vulnerable to exploitation in the labor market.

Overall, the draft decree represents a comprehensive effort to reform and strengthen the immigration system for foreign workers in Italy. By introducing click days for employers, enhancing screening processes, and providing protections for victims of exploitation, the government aims to create a more efficient and equitable system for hiring foreign workers. These measures are intended to safeguard the rights and well-being of foreign workers while promoting legal and legitimate employment practices in the country.

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