Florida is facing controversy over a proposal by Governor Ron DeSantis to build sports facilities, hotels, and other amenities in state parks across the state. This plan has drawn opposition from both nature lovers and members of DeSantis’ own party, including Republican lawmakers and even his own Cabinet members. The proposal includes adding golf courses, pickleball courts, and hotels to nine state parks located near popular tourist destinations in Miami, Tampa, Panama City, and St. Augustine.

One of the parks slated for development is Topsail Hill Preserve State Park near Destin, known for its undeveloped stretch of sand dunes along the Panhandle coast. This park, along with others, is seen as a vital sanctuary for wildlife and a place for visitors to experience Florida’s natural beauty. Advocates are concerned about the impact of adding large-scale developments like hotels and sports facilities, which they argue are not in line with the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of nature that state parks are meant to provide.

The proposal has sparked a wave of opposition, with a petition against the golf complex at Jonathan Dickinson State Park garnering over 60,000 signatures. Past attempts by Republican administrations to leverage revenue from state parks through similar development ideas have been met with public pushback and ultimately dropped. Advocates like Julie Wraithmell, executive director of Audubon Florida, are hoping that public outcry will lead state officials to reconsider the plans and instead focus on creating more state parks to meet the demand for outdoor recreation.

While DeSantis’ administration has defended the proposal as a way to make public lands more accessible, critics argue that adding golf courses and hotels to state parks could disrupt the natural habitats of many endangered species, including the Florida scrub-jay. The controversy surrounding this issue has highlighted the deep connection Floridians have to their state parks, regardless of party affiliation. State parks in Florida have long been recognized for their conservation efforts and preservation of wild spaces in a state known for its rapid urbanization and development.

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