A huge alligator that had twice appeared at a military base in Florida has been successfully relocated to a sanctuary. The 12-foot, 4-inch gator first showed up at MacDill Air Force Base in late April, seeking refuge under the wheels of an airplane. After being wrangled by officers and released into Hillsborough River, the gator returned to the base just three weeks later, drying out on the sidewalk near the Med Group camp.

The military named the alligator “Airman Ally Gator” and joked about assigning him to the complaint department. Despite being recaptured, the decision was made to transfer the gator to Gatorama and Crocodile Adventures, an alligator farm located 155 miles away from MacDill Air Force Base. The Air Force reported that the alligator has already made friends at his new home and has been renamed “Major MacDill” in honor of his origins.

At Gatorama, Major MacDill was placed in breeding and exhibit ponds, though it remains uncertain if he will be part of the facility’s alligator shows. Alligator courtship typically begins in early April, with mating occurring in May or June. The farm expressed admiration for the huge gator, noting his impressive size and the stories he must have after surviving for so long.

The relocation of Major MacDill to the sanctuary was done to prevent any harm coming to the massive alligator. MacDill Air Force Base personnel and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officers worked together to ensure the gator’s safe transfer. The alligator farm where Major MacDill now resides provides a suitable environment for him to live out the rest of his days in safety.

The repeated appearances of Major MacDill at MacDill Air Force Base created a sense of amusement and intrigue among personnel at the base. The decision to relocate the massive alligator was made in the best interest of both the gator and the military base. Major MacDill’s presence at the sanctuary is a new chapter in his story, where he can thrive in a more suitable habitat away from the military base.

The move to Gatorama and Crocodile Adventures has allowed Major MacDill to adapt to his new surroundings, make new companions, and potentially play a role in the breeding and exhibit programs at the alligator farm. His journey from a military base to a sanctuary serves as a reminder of the importance of coexisting with wildlife and finding humane solutions to wildlife encounters. Major MacDill’s relocation showcases the efforts of all involved to ensure his well-being and prevent any harm to either the alligator or the military personnel at the base.

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